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Available until / 投票期限

2022/5/22 23:59 (UTC+8)


Hello everyone. As announced last time, we will begin a survey regarding whether we should release an Early Access version on the platform Steam.

First things first, while we appreciate each and every feedback from our supporters, this survey is purely for reference purpose. We want to make sure what you guys think of this matter, but the final results of the following poll WILL NOT be the definitive decision for us. We will, however, take all your votes and/or comments into serious consideration.

With that being said, please allow me to reiterate what we are facing right now:

When we release Cursed Blacksmith on Steam, the game will not include any NSFW content. Players will have to download patches from our websites.

With Early Access, we should be able to receive some income beforehand, which will definitely help us improve our efficiency. What’s more, we will need to learn all the backstage stuff regarding Steam releases earlier, leading to potential better trouble-shooting.

Also, with enough exposure on Steam, maybe, just maybe, we will have more supporters, hence bigger possibility to have more extra Monster Girls.

So what’s the downside? Well if Early Access is at hand, we will need to implement Easy Mode first to cater to a wider audience.

(Just in case you’re wondering, Easy Mode has been a must-have feature for a long time, and is not because of the Steam release.)

Besides, exposure won’t happen themselves. Added to the time studying backend is the resources used to officially actively promote the game. We might need your help to spread the words.

As for how far in the story should Early Access go, we don’t have a consensus yet.

If we decide that Early Access is not the way to go, then none of the things mentioned above will be a problem, and we’ll keep on working on the game as we have been.

I hope I have explained the pros and cons when it comes to having an Early Access, giving you a better understanding before you vote below.

No matter what the final decision is, we will remain diligent until we finished every piece of Cursed Blacksmith as whole as we imagined.

And as always, all comments are welcome. Please share your thoughts to us.




















Thanks for all the hard work on this game. It's getting to be quite good but I think you should wait to do an early access build until you've implemented Easy Mode and have polished the first 4 chapters. Then perhaps releasing a 2-3 chapter early access build would make sense. How many chapters are planned for the game BTW? If the game is 50% done vs 80% done makes a difference as well. As RanterDM said first impressions matter a lot. Not sure how many chapters are planned but once you feel the game is 80-90% done AND polished is when I'd do an early access build. Just my 2 cents.