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Download (12/16 9:30 (UTC+8) UPDATE):

Added switch for "NSFW Content."
You can now play the "family-friendly" version of the game by activating it in the Settings screen.

Fixed the following bugs:

The map revealed will be reset after entering the Journal screen.
Horizon light will appear inside the pillars in the church.
Pressing S while preparing the special attack (D) with no weapons on hand can cause the game to crash.
You might get knocked across the invisible walls when fighting Oni in the tutorial stage.
You can aim your ranged skills at the fire in the Boss battle, causing the game to crash.
The requirements of souls in Soul Imprint will remain even if you can't upgrade anymore at certain point.

Miscellaneous change in English translation.

Please download the files again if you have before 12/16 9:30 (UTC+8). Apologize for the inconvenience. 




若您有在12/16 9:30 (UTC+8)前下載過此版本,請重新下載以修正以上內容。不便之處,敬請見諒。


New update HYPE!!!
We know that a certain masterpiece is out today, but we can't keep you all waiting anymore with our kinda big update, including an overhaul for the WHOLE tutorial! Now you should have no more excuses to punch everything in your way! I hope.
Scroll down for detailed update note!
Now a word from our near-death producer:

These days were like hell. We've finally made the update today.

While we're still readying for the major update, some modifying for existing contents were in desperate need of revision, which is what we did this time.
My initial vision is to make a NSFW game with interesting gameplay. However, with no resources and no programming knowledge, the learning curve was painfully steep.
I've finally acquired a little bit of programming skills now. But learning while rushing the development literally burnt me a lot.
Of course, my teammates did their best on art and translation while maintaining their daily life. I just hope none of this will go to waste.

Now, onto the update. We've tried fixing some layering issues, obliterating some good ol' bugs, and implementing some features for future use.
The tutorial overhaul is one of the focus this time. We hope players can have a better understanding of the basic system before jumping into the show.
(Dear GOD please don't beat the barrels with your bare hands again)

Oh yeah, something else is added after the tutorial. I surely hope it's not too hard for you :D

For the translations, we are consistently bettering all the wordings as usual. We hope you can enjoy reading our storywriting a little more.

With all that said, yeah, we are once again behind schedule. *sigh*
My heart still aches whenever this happens.
Anyways, the major update is still under development. We'll make sure to do our best to deliver asap.

But for now... I need some sleep. zzz





不知道有沒有人能夠不作弊來通過教學關卡之後的「那張地圖」呢 :D



(但是今天先讓我睡個一覺_(:3 」∠ )_)


New Content:

• New monster girls exclusive to endless mode:
Vixen (VA: Lime Midorino)
• New status ailment: Mute.
You can't use skills when you are muted. Exclusive to Vixen for now.
• New debuff state: Fragile.
You would take more damage when you are fragile. Exclusive to Vixen for now.

• Tutorial overhaul!
We made the intro more friendly to new players to this genre. Also added a bit of storytelling.

System Adjustment:

• Throwing Teleportation Potion at an enemy readying a skill will result in two possible outcome, depending on the skill:
1. If it's a close distance directional skill, the effect prediction (red tiles) will move with the enemy.
2. If it's a long distance targeting skill (Vampiress' frozen arrow or Angel's arrow rain), the enemy will suspend their attacks.

• When the player teleports, no matter the reason, enemies who are readying their targeting skill will suspend their attacks.
• Sword Maiden's jump slash skill nerfed: Moving distance reduced from 3 to 2.\
• Digging or Bombing can now break the walls, obstacles, and traps in EVERY part of the dungeon. (Not the safehouse FYI) However, there is a maximum border limit for wall breaking.
• Chance to obtain soul when digging or bombing the wall.
• You will now lose HP, SP and durability at the resting spot if you get hurt or use skills.
• Pickaxe now has the passive ability of breaking walls on normal attack. Respectively, Its skill changes to "Hard Digging".
• Avalanche Crash (for both the player and Amazon) will now break the walls or obstacles 1 tile around its user. Also, the SP cost is increased.
• New forging effect add to: Panacea, True Sight Potion, Haste Potion, Teleportation Potion, Digging Stone, Quake Stone.
• Blink Strike (for both the player and Maid) won't have corner blocking any more.
• Some of the Boss's charging attacks will now break walls and obstacles.
• Now when player or enemies fall into water or holes, they will lose HP, and teleport to the nearest land. If it's items that fall, they would be lost.
• Players can now walk diagonally across water or floor holes. You still can't walk across corner of walls or obstacles; please utilize other skills if you must.
• Players can now attack or throw items toward water and floor holes. Some movement skills will not work on water since you can't swim. Duh.

Other Changes:

• The Boss will now flash when attacked. (There used to be some problem with it, but we found an alternative solution)
• Doroelle and Rezia now won't be affected with the Teleportation Potion.
• Monster Girls will now have only last words upon death instead of having hurt voice played simultaneously.
• Optimize map object and special effect rendering order. Due to RM's code limit, I did my best.
• Japanese / English translation fix.
(A big one for English! If you find any weird wording, please kindly tell us.)
• UI adjustment to the item tabs
• Some minor UI adjustments
• Some minor animation changes

Bug Fix:

• Fixed the bug that upon entering the boss room after being defeated, the boss would shrink.
• Other miscellaneous fixes.














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