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4/26 UPDATE:
• Fixed the special effects for Vampiress.
• Fixed the issue that some enemies will always drop a Soul Drop when defeated.
Please download the files again if you have before 4/25. Apologize for the inconvenience. 

• 修正吸血鬼的特效演出。
• 修正特定女怪遭擊倒時必定掉落靈魂之滴的問題。


• Added new animations for Doroelle’s conversations  
• Added new voiced lines for Maid and Vampiress during H Scene. (CV: 浅木式)  
• Game starting engine optimization  
• Fixed some text displaying bug  
• Fixed some map bugs that players were getting into tiles, which was supposed to be blocked  
• Fixed item throwing bugs that they might get stuck in the wall  
• Changed the fonts for English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.  
• Using skill outside of dungeon will won’t decrease SP anymore, and weapon’s durability will not decrease. MC hitting the wall outside of dungeon will not lose HP  
• When bag is over weight, player can now see the item at their feet by opening their inventory, and manage items  
• Player’s movement will be disabled when bag is over weight, but can still perform other tasks  
• Inventory UI adjustment  
• Adjusting key press. Switching facing direction button was changed from Q key to C key, and facing diagonal directing key was changed from W key to Ctrl key.  
• Added “wait for one turn” function. Just press Ctrl key + C key  
• Minor bug fix  
• Fix saving bugs for using old save on new demo files  

We were working on the big update that’s coming up next month, so this update is mostly minor optimization, bug fix.  
The truth is that there are still quite a bit of stuff need to be done, and are not even sure if we can hit the deadline in May.  
We feel a bit helpless due to there is only 24 hours a day.  
We are also still communicating with the voice actresses in the mid of this fast schedule.
There are things we just need to go through with try and error method, and things tend to drag on longer if the try didn’t work.  
But with all this trying and development process, we hope they will help us in the future.    
Please look forward to the new main character, and hope you would get more understanding into the game :D

P.S Our producer has been working hard on this game, and he has not been able to any games for quite a long time.  
There were many great games coming out lately, but he can only hold back his desire. What a poor guy… 


•女僕及吸血鬼的H動畫追加不同內容的配音。(CV: 浅木式)  
•道具欄UI調整  •按鍵調整,轉動面朝方向從Q改成C鍵,輔助斜角移動從W鍵改成Ctrl鍵。  








so le

I got bug is state type error "cannot read property material of defined" , then freeze game.


Sorry for the issue. Could you kindly tell us the details? What happened when this message showed up? Are you using any old save files? If so, which version was it? etc.

