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Today is the #ThankYouPatrons day, and we want to say thank you to our dear supporters. We are still just a small unstable team, but we are trying our best to work on this game everyday.

Because we don’t have an investor, neither for having enough of resource, and we don’t even have a lot of time. 

Nevertheless, we will keep working on this game. Even though we are burning our life away, we only hope that we don’t fail the expectations from our supporters.

In fact, we are hoping that our team members can quit their 9-5 jobs. And when we have enough funding, we can become a full-time indie development team. So then we will have enough time to make more interesting and rich games. That would be our ultimate goal.

Thank you for liking our games, and thank you for believing us. We feel hopeful, and it has helped us getting closer to our goal.

We will keep working hard, please look forward to our new products!

今天似乎是 #ThankYouPatrons 的感謝活動,於是藉此機會想好好感謝各位贊助者。








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