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There is always a few thing in the human mansions.

Expensive carpet, red wine, tea set, luxurious crystal lamp, and countless balconies with curtains.

There was a shadowy figure under the moonlight in the dark corridor, it was a maid carrying a tray of tea set, and quietly walking down the long hallway.

“Hey, stop!”

The maid was stopped abruptly by a royal man, as she reach a corner.

“Who are you? And what are you doing at this late hour?”

He couldn’t see her clearly under the darkness, and he spoke with an arrogant tone.

The maid turned around, bowed, and said “I was just about to serve tea for you, master. But I was a bit lost…… I am very very sorry master.”

The royal man shook his head impatiently.

“A maid is it? Why in hell would I need it? Get outta my way!”

He storm passed the maid hastily as if he had something urgent on hand, but just as he passed her, the man stopped in a sudden.

“……wait, are you new here? I don't recall that there was–––”

As he was turning around to interrogate the maid, a dagger had thrusted into his chest.

“Wha… What’s this?! ARHHH……!”

One, two, and three…… seeing daggers stabbed into his thigh and throat, he fell to the ground in pain and panic.

“……That’s right, I’m a new maid, probably got in here two hours ago.”

The faint Moonlight shined on her whole smiling face, she spoke softly as she took out another knife, and walked toward the collapsed royal man.

“I’m here to deliver you to hell.”

She pushed the blade into the man’s heart, he moaned painfully, and then the silence fell.

“Tsk tsk…… Only if you were willing to drink some tea before you go. I spent a lot of time practicing brewing tea perfectly.”

The maid pulled the knifes out of the corpse like a professional killer.

“I still need be a maid for a while…… Maybe I’ll take a broom as the disguise next time.”

She left the crime scene as she complaint, and onto her next mission.

At the time of monster invasion, the human political situation was also going through some transformation.

And all these is just the beginning.





























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