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"Don't think you're allowed to smoke in here, Captain."

Price turned in his seat at the sound of Gaz's voice, lips already creasing into a smile around his cigar.

"I won't tell if you won't." He exhaled shortly, amused. At his left, Gaz slumped against the edge of the bar, the bright LEDs glancing off the glitter of his jacket.

"How'd thing's go on your end? Ghost play nice?"

"Simon did just fine. Don't believe I can say the same thing about Soap." Price wrinkled his nose. "He practically fell into Simon's arms when we got here."

Gaz laughed, short and sweet. "Can't say that strikes me as particularly out of character, Captain."

"He's drunk out of his mind, Gaz. What did you two get up to?"

"Drinking games." At Price's half-heartedly chiding look, Gaz smirked. "Look, we got the intel we wanted, didn't we? Not my fault Soap's an attention whore."

"And you? In your nice glittery jacket, polished up all nice." Price didn't bother to hide how he gave Gaz a once-over, eyebrows raised in a pleased arch.

"I'm not looking for their attention."


At that, Gaz leaned over to pluck Price's cigar out of his mouth, taking a drag from it as he returned to his spot against the bar.





you must be one of creator's faves fr bc you can draw AND write wtfff


Foaming at the mouth begging for a part two 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


GAZZZZ your rizzzz


Gaz lookin thicc! That booty! 🖤🍑


PLEASE I BEG I need a part 2 of Gaz and Price


When I tell you I went F E R A L reading that 🥵🤤


I love this, gaz showing with his fashion


Gaz got that dumpy fr fr


We need more price the dilf


Y haven't you drawn these 2 going at it nasty style yet? I need them to boink. Pretty please 🙏 🥺


I've been frothing over how beautiful this is - the little clip of story, the lights and the expressions, the way Gaz is backlit, the little happy trail he has on display, but you know what I NEED more people to talk about, I NEED people to perceive Gaz's hand holding the cigar, because /he is also holding Price's chin and jaw in it/, and I've been going absolutely fuckin feral about it!!

Bibul Pass (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 21:45:43 I am really impressed on how your gaze are so filled in expression. I love that ! Their pose, their smiled...everything is perfect <3
2023-05-18 11:55:41 I am really impressed on how your gaze are so filled in expression. I love that ! Their pose, their smiled...everything is perfect <3

I am really impressed on how your gaze are so filled in expression. I love that ! Their pose, their smiled...everything is perfect <3


looooove gaz's hand position making it look like he's holding price's face mmmmh