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feeling in the mood to render something - suggest anything you like involving our boys, sfw or nsfw.



I'm not really into ghostxKonig(without soap). But I wouldn't be too put off if I saw it. frankly I could see you giving the people that- if this time soap was stuck in a meeting having to listen to Ghost's mic being on


there's something I've been really wanting, that got really popular on one of the comic pages, hold on let me try to find it... (edit: found it) "Prompt: the next day ghost calls konig to his room for a talk and Konig thinks he's about to get his ass kicked. Instead he walks in and ghost has soap naked and on display as he fucks him. He makes Konig watch as he absolutely unravels soap into a babbling mess to show off how only he knows how to really take care of soap as punishment for soap/konigs little escapades." [37 likes] "SEE now Soap is just going to fuck with Ghost on purpose with that mic...he's going to sit in his room making noise for Ghost to hear and then lock his door on purpose so Ghost gets angry breaks the door and f***KS him silly..." [12 likes]


Soap and Ghost in the 80s!! Wearing shoulder pads n all those funky outfits n crazy hair!! Soaps already halfway there with his mohawk :)


soap and ghost being cowboys and soap riding ghost 🫣

Ash Nelson

Soap getting seriously injured and König and Ghost absolutely falling apart at even the thought of losing him


The three of them deserve some peace and quiet. Big cuddle bug pile in the bath for aftercare? Maybe a scene of them sprawled and tangled with each other on a bed?


Soap/Ghost/Konig Suspension play!! Just think Konig would be a rope bunny for sure


Soap and ghost nsfw, but ghost is really rough with soap

Syber 🐍

Soap gets shot (nonfatally of course), would love to see König and Ghost’s reactions bc I live for the polyculw


Gaz art!!