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do soap and konig kiss when they first get together or is it something they work up to?

soap is 'johnny' to ghost, but what is konig?

answer these questions (if you like) or drop your own headcanons below <3



I feel like Konig is someone who gets flustered holding hands for the first time, but when he gets in the mood, he's a very greedy lover, and won't let up unless you pull his hair. I feel like Konig would use a name that denotes how he feels Soap fights, like Eichhörnchen (Squirrel) or something. He might just use that word because he knows no one else can pronounce it.


the idea that konig would pick a nickname for johnny like THAT just because noone else can pronounce it is a specific brand of petty and i love it.


This will be hella later on once everything is established, but the idea of a feral/red eye konig dominating Ghost even if it’s jus for the foreplay sounds hot as fuck. Maybe sparring again or something frustrated Konig so much he takes what he wants from Ghost after he had been teasing him


My personally headcannon is König does not have a personal nickname for Soap as he never found one that both he and Soap liked enough. However I think Soap has called König "Nessie," before when they first met which made König laugh.

Rune Scape

I have König's name as Artur in my fic and Ghost called him Art 🫶


I imagine everything with König would be much softer and more gentle compared to Ghost. A cute nickname (for König) could just be King, the English definition of his name. “Horse” could also be a funny nickname because he’s tall and, well…who’s horse is that?

Martian Sewer Rabbit

I took this as a challenge and after 10 minutes of trying to get it right i think i might have the pronunciation down, but probably not. Fricatives are tough and Eichhörnchen isn’t easy 😂


I think König would call him John or some pet name in German. I can see him being into calling his partner's sweet names, but he's too embarassed to actually say them in English (tho it's fine cause I think Soap would be very into it.) I think their first kiss would be something very sweet and gentle, probably initiated by Soap. Would Soap take König on dates? Idk but I think he'd definitely work his way up to a kiss on the lips, maybe starting with kisses on König's cheeks, with his mask still on, gradually working up to managing to get him comfortable enough to kiss him on his cheek with his mask lifted up. I think Soap wouldn't want to spook König, since the man is so anxious, maybe that would be a good chance for König to take initiative and show him how much he wants him (like Ghost said, grow a pair).


No, because I just ranted about German pet names on tumblr. I don't think König would have pet names other than their actual names for them. If he were to use any German pet name for them, it would be "Schatz/Schatzi" ("treasure") for both of them. (And even then he would never use it in public) Anything else would be too awkward for him. I'd imagine him sitting with Ghost and Soap and asking them, if it'd be possible for him to be able to call them "Johnny" and "Simon" at least in private. Perhaps offering them his name in return (I like to hc his name to be Joachim and König as being both his call name and last name). I also think that he'd be really nervous in the beginning, always having an eye on both of them, unsure on how far he's allowed to push and figuring out boudaries. So, in the end it'd be Soap who'd initiate their first kiss, but as soon as it happened König would have a hand on the back of Soaps head and wouldn't let either of them end the kiss until they run out of breath. Either that or he jumps on the opportunity to kiss Soap as soon as he's able to, because neither Ghost nor Soap have made it explicitly clear so far that their situation could be anything other than a one-time-thing. Figuring he'd make the most of it and enjoy it as long as he can, finding out what Soap likes and what noises he makes when he especially likes something. I mean he was ready to back off as soon as he figured out Ghost and Soap were a thing and his dialogue with either of them never sugested there'd be anything more on the table than a friends with benefits deal, at most. So maybe he'd be greedy with it drawing it out as much as he can, so that even Ghost would take pity on Soap and finish him off or something...


Pet names are definitely a weird thing for Germans. We don’t really use them a lot because most of them sound kind of weird. I mean a lot of German couples I know, myself included, have started to use english dirtytalk because it’s just not pretty in German. But I could see König use Schatz. Definitely not overuse it and only in private


I really like the idea that König is more gentle than Ghost.


Soap calling him "King" cuz he's a cheesy teaser and König calling him "Häschen" which means bunny cuz Soap is a mfing rabbit let's be honest. Also i imagine König as someone shy to start things on his own, but when he does, both with a lil help or on his own, man's wild heheuhehe

Gh0st 1415

A kiss is something that is definitely worked up too, cause König's probably insecure about himself and shit, I'd like to think he's embarrassed cause he's super expressive, haha, but I actually could see him and Ghost kissing first. Ghost has already seen his face, and I feel like it would be something König would probably initiate, even if it was just a kiss through the mask