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drop your ideas below, im currently tossing between ghost destroying konig during sparring training, or...reminding soap whats up in their *private time*


Shiloh Lampkin

The idea of Ghost reminding Soap that he belongs to him in a fit of jealousy just sounds 👌👌 Like Ghost just being super touchy and possessive leaving bite marks and hickeys EVERYWHERE? 👀

Kaila Kester

Both is def good, but I'm personally a sucker for possessive!Ghost reminding Soap who he belongs to. And ofc Soap knows what he's been doing the whole time, and was doing so knowing it would prompt the *reminder* from Ghost. Also, imma hop on the bandwagon and 100% agree with 🚂🚂🚂


I'm such a sucker for Possessive!Ghost! I just love the idea of Ghost giving Soap a little reminder (and maybe some bite marks so others know as well👀)


Ugh iwann watch ghost annihilate Konig but god i love possessive!Ghost sm it tickles smthn in my brain so yeh, Ghost showing Soap whats up


I change my mind, ghost and soap let konig in on it after the sparring fight :0

Martian Sewer Rabbit

Sparring match ending with Ghost putting Konig in some sorta pin (bonus points for big guy being scared/flustered/horny) that makes Ghost go “hmm” then he gives Soap a look where the brat goes from “thats hot” to “uh oh, im in trouble”

Nina W.

Just seeing that OG and now Ghost drawing you did with soap got me feeling a type of way—already got me thinking of different positions 🫣. BUT ghost reminding soap in their ‘private time’ is nice—plus Konig just seeing Soap’s ‘aftermath’ lol also the sparring thing just Konig being pinned down into different positions—legs in the air, legs pinned to the floor, knees to his chest and shit All that jazz 😭💅 RUN A TRAIN ON THOSE FOOLS! PPFT


Gotta be setting foap up so Konig walks in at the perfect time 😏

Kaila Kester

omg yes, the idea of bratty soap realizing he's about to get it is such a perfect image 👌👌👌


I second this idea 🥰 I would like to add Soap running away & then Ghost chasing after him immediately


Ghost fucking Soap in front of Konig (who’s not allowed to touch themselves) is one of my favorite tropes for show of possession.


Okay hear me out. Ghost absolutely rails tf out of soap for that AND THEN GOES TO SPAR WITH KÖNIG and taunts him by telling him what he’s being doing with soap prior xx


Both at the same time?


BEING ALL LIKE “y’know soap was crying out my name just now” ,,, “when I was balls deep in him” AND KÖNIG IS JUST LIKE AKSJDKSJSJS BUT ALSO J E A L O U S oh LORD he’s angry And they totally duke it out and then soap comes in and is like “I’ve got 2 holes btw” AND GETS DEMOLISHED. im so sorry.