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Hello my wonderful patreon family ❤️

I wanted to write a little thank you message to you for your continued support with me 💕

Thank you so much for being here and allowing me to continue to do the things I do. Your support helps me to work towards my dreams and it truly means so much to me that you want to see me succeed. 

It has been a very hard year for me for those who dont know, earlier this year. I lost a loved one who I was closest to in the world. It's hard for me to talk about but I think about them every single day. I'm still learning to navigate life without them, they gave me shelter when I had no home and were there for me when I had absolutely no one. So needless to say life has been hard. 

Not only that but I have also been in a very complicated situation in my personal life which has been making me feel very alone too, I wont go into it for a few reasons but I'm just doing my best to survive each day with this feeling of loneliness and confusion. 

Anyway, personal life and tragic Mystic lore aside (lol) 

You all have helped me more than you know, allowing me to take breaks when I really need them, helping me with stressing out about making ends meet. And bringing me joy when I least expect it. 

Thank you.

I want to wish you all a wonderful and happy Christmas. If you are struggling to I am with you through it. I hope that this message can bring you a bit of warmth on your coldest nights. 

Merry Christmas my dear patrons and thank you for your love and support 💖

- Mystic (Your fluffy little fox) 



Im a few days late but I just want to say that you are amazing Mystic I’ve only been here a few months and even in a short period I see a desire to keep going growing and you are always welcome to a break when ever needed you know everyone will understand and be waiting with open arms for when you return. This is long so I will end off with, thank you Mystic for everything from giving such joy in amounts you can’t understand to the friends that you have allowed me to meet this has been such an amazing few months.


As this has just happened with my dad you have my deepest condolences mystic sending all my love and big bear hugs to you floofy fox. Our days will be hard but like I found smiles and laughter support and comfort with you and your community, I hope you find it within us as well, we are all here for you like you are all here foe me. Our loved ones even though we wish them here and its not going to be a easy journey without them they will always be with us in our hearts forever cheering us on. Much love mystic from Gearalt plankton myself (starlight and mystics Mr beast) ❤️