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I wanted to talk about the fact that someone decided to upload my latest works from Patreon to Derpi

I'm not angry, I'm not going to ask who did it and why, because I'm not doing this art for myself, but for you.

I can't always give a lot of content, there are months when I don't have time to do anything (and this is my fault, my health and the situation around me, for example, quite unpleasant events have recently occurred in my city, and the last year has become very difficult and stressful, I don't want to write anything on this topic)

And I would like to say to those who decided to "set me up" in this way

You are not punishing me, you are punishing those who for some reason want to support me

For me, this is a job, I'm used to being stolen, cheated and sold without my participation

And such a "gift" with uploading my works to  is a drop in the ocean of what people do with artists' works with impunity (and not only I, but also everyone who works in this field is faced with this).

Therefore, the next time you decide to "punish the artist" with such an act, think that the artist is unlikely to react, because you are far from the first, but you will do nasty things to people you do not know and who are not to blame for you.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the mistakes, I still can't translate such a large text correctly.



I sometimes feel that I'm the only pledger that keeps most of the art I pay for to myself.