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I posted to my tumblr, I lost my pregnancy on the 23rd.

i wont go in to details but i’ll be going to the ER today for a D&C and my procedure is estimated to be about $4,000 out of pocket. I’m also absolutely terrified and super sick. I woke up in an arrhythmia because I’m bl**ding so much.

If you are able to help I would GREATLY appreciate it as I literally have $20 to my name. Also if anyone has any experiences with D&C’s, please message me.


venmo: @AshBearBeans



im sorry to hear of what you have gone through. i lost mine at 6 weeks.. i knew at 2weeks that i was pregnant. it took 2 yrs to get over the loss (though I have wanted children since i was 12). i didnt need a d&C ,thought the ultra sound the day before (showing everything was perfectly fine) almost ruptured my tiny bladder. I learned through the extensive tests after the loss that I will and should never had gotten pregnant naturally due to PCOS. I know how hard it is, and for the horrible empty feeling you have not just in your body but your heart, talking to those you trust help speed the healing for that empty, or writing it down. I am so sorry again. Though we do not know eachother, please accept my large bear hug that i know you very much need right now. cry it out. break some plates . btw cold icepack to your eyes after crying help the swelling and pain.

Jerri McGuire

I am so sorry for your loss! I just subscribed and will up my tier as soon as I can, and I hope you heal well <3