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Hello, everyone! I hope you're doing well.

As I had the opportunity to announce earlier on Discord, starting next month my Patreon will be slightly reworked. The reason is that I can't reasonnably keep up with the current amount of work I need to produce every month. These previous months have been pretty tough and I need to be more careful with my health.

So I've been thinking a lot about how to reduce the workload without removing too much content for you, and I think I managed to find some compromise.

I'll start with highlighting some key points before summarizing the new updated tiers.

1) There won't be another Tied To Twins Side Story, at least not in the form of a comic chapter. In the future, I'm planning to include black and white comic pages within the main series when I feel it's needed. But while the comic was never officially counted as a reward in the pledges, I think it would be nice to have at least a little something to make up for that. Something exclusive for subscribers.

So starting next month, I'll start posting little sketches/doodles that I have never posted anywhere else, starting with a bunch of Fetish Palace stuff I didn't know what to do with until now. These sketches/doodles will be available for all tiers. I'll post one or two every month.

2) About Discord: in one week from now, I will remove all the channels, except the Rewards Category.
I'm aware this sounds like a drastic decision. To put it simply, moderation is a whole job on it's own, and it's not a job I want to do.
Now don't get me wrong, 99,99% of the discussions and people here have been a real joy to be around and I will miss that. But as the head of this server, I need to read each and every one of the messages posted here, keep things in order and solve problems if they happen. I don't want to hire moderators and I don't think it would really solve the problem anyway, so I will simply close the discussion/images channels. You'll still need to join the Discord to get access to all the content.
Time is a very precious ressource for me and this server ask a lot of time that I feel would be much more appreciated by everyone if I use it to draw and craft lewd stuff.
I'm sorry about that. I really am. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, but this server is simply taking too much space in my tiny head.
You'll still be able to contact me by direct messages if you encounter a problem or have any question.

3) About the number of sketches I'll produce for the MDPC: until now I managed to make 4 sketches out of all the prompts every month. This number will be down to 3. If I can I'll go up to 4 but I don't guarantee it.

4) In the same way, until now I managed to release three Tied To Twins parts every month. This number will probably go down to 2. I'll try to make a third part or a bonus part every now and then.
To make up for it, starting next month, patreon subscribers will get access to 3 parts ahead of the twitter/deviantart release schedule instead of 2.
Also, as the story evolve I'm planning to start making topless variants that will be exclusive to Rope Pack patrons!

5) I'll remove the .psd reward from the Gag Pack tier. I never was really consistent about it and I don't usually produce enough variants to justify its existence anyway. To make up for it I'll start posting all pics in the best resolution possible (for most of the pics it will be something like twice the size of what I'm currently posting for hd pics on Patreon).

Here are the updated tiers, starting May 1st:

Feather Pack :

Get the new pics 2 weeks before deviantart/Pixiv/Twitter

+ Early Access to the next Tied To Twins parts (usually up to 3 parts)

+ High-resolution versions of all the pictures

+ Exclusive small Doodles/sketches

Rope Pack :

All the lower tier rewards

+ Exclusive variants/uncensored/alternative versions of some of the pics/Tied To Twins parts

+ Work in progress/sketches/lines of my current works.

Gag Pack :

All the lower tiers rewards

+Participate to the Monthly Doodle Prompt

+ Access to polls!

+  Exclusive more elaborate sketches

+ Access to the Tied To Twins Side Story black and white comic (22 pages)

And I will probably add a fourth tier that has the same rewards than the Gag Pack but slightly more expensive, in case people wish to give me an extra tip. It doesn't take anything away from anyone so why not.

I may need to make a few more tweaks in the future, but right now it feels like a rather good balance and a fair deal.

I'll update the tiers on Patreon before May 1st so that patron who are still billed on the 1st of each month can decide what to do with their pledge.

Finally, whether you decide to extend your pledge or not, I would like to thank all of you who have supported my work so far. You are the only reason why I can dedicate so much time and effort to my activity, and with your help I hope to be able to continue doing it for a long time.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything.

Don't hesitate to ask me or send me direct messages if you have any questions.

Have a nice day, everyone!


Chad Frasemer

In the case of Discord, is there a way you could get some moderators?


I do not want to get moderators tbh. It can solve some problems but it brings others.

Hairless Chris

Your tickling art and comics keep striving with excellence and continues to inspire and flourish Kusu 😀


So the Tied To Twins story is still continuing, right? It’s not ended?


Tied To Twins will continue, but not the black and white separate comic chapter


Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Do what you gotta do!

Doug Williamson

I think that sounds like a fine plan. I will admit that I missed the topless material from Fetish Palace, so it is great to hear about the upcoming variants for Tied to Twins in your new plan.


Damn I loved the greater amount of tickling and dialogue in side story.


Sorry about that. But I loved it very much too (that was the main point of doing the side story to begin with) so I'll do my best to add more tickling and dialogues in the main series

crazy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-30 02:42:37 Will you be gagging the twins more often in future updates? Love hearing them laugh but also would love to see them tape gagged in their turtleneck outfits while barefoot...(of course that's just me do as you will <3)
2023-04-29 19:39:46 Will you be gagging the twins more often in future updates? Love hearing them laugh but also would love to see them tape gagged in their turtleneck outfits while barefoot...(of course that's just me do as you will <3)

Will you be gagging the twins more often in future updates? Love hearing them laugh but also would love to see them tape gagged in their turtleneck outfits while barefoot...(of course that's just me do as you will <3)


The link for Part 2 of Doctor's Appointment appears to be broken. Are the variants accessible outside of discord?


Sorry about that. I had to remove it when Patreon asked me. I can't post them outside of Discord.


Discord link please?


Hi. Thank you for your support! To join the Discord you need to connect your Discord account to Patreon. To do that you have to follow the indications on this page support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron- There's is no link, as you're supposed to get to invitation automatically once you've linked your Discord account to Patreon. If that doesn't work, I suggest you log out from both discord and patreon and then log back. You may also need to disable your ad blocker and clear your cache and cookies.