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Having some medical problems going on with my family, so content is gonna have to slow down quite a bit. Sorry!

But to show that it hasn't completely halted, here's a Gwen-In-Progress



Durge Dagger

Was the Ravan face sitting not finished, or was that the final result?

Endless Theory

I think we can all agree 2020 is a wash. Health is the most important thing. I hope you and your family get through whatever is going on. Been a big fan of your butt expansion stuff for a while and look forward to seeing more in the future. Don’t stress over this stuff man. We support you, through thicc and thin! (see what I did there?)


It's funny cause I never really thought the stuff I do would be so well received, and this year has especially been no exception. But I got Monkey's Paw'd stupid hard in return lol