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Chapter 2: Emptying the House!

The granary was the largest warehouse, containing not only a pile of grains but also other vegetables and dried fruits.

Chen Xue naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass.

With these grains, whether on the journey of exile or upon arrival at the place of exile, they would have enough to eat.

Of course, besides grains, they also needed vegetables and fruits.

Fortunately, the granary had quite a few potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc., and they were all fresh, seemingly purchased not long ago.

Although not plentiful, adding up to a few hundred pounds, if not used as the main staple food, it would be enough for them to eat for several months.

Then, she went to another warehouse, which also stored food. With over a hundred people in the Chen family, they consumed several hundred pounds of food every day.

Therefore, besides the daily reserves of food, there was another warehouse for the daily consumption of food.

Every morning, the steward would purchase food early and then several hundred pounds of food would be consumed by hundreds of people in a day or even several days.

Now, this food hadn't been consumed yet, a pile of fresh vegetables, like cabbage, radish, and miscellaneous food totaling several hundred pounds, were all taken away by Chen Xue.

Since they would be ransacking the house in a few hours, there was no need to leave this food behind. Even the radish leaves wouldn't be left for the enemies by Chen Xue.

Just like a mouse entering a rice jar, every time Chen Xue entered a warehouse, everything inside would be swept away.

"Main staple food? Check. Vegetables? Check. Oh right, there are also pots, bowls, ladles..."

Thinking of this, Chen Xue hurried to the kitchen and took away everything inside, even the firewood piled in the woodshed.


Just as Chen Xue was about to leave, she heard the crowing of a rooster. She followed the sound and saw a poultry farm in the outer courtyard.

Although the Chen family couldn't compare to the generals' and prime ministers' mansions, her father was at least a third-ranking official, so the mansion awarded by the court was several thousand square meters.

With such a large area, it was normal to have a small area for farming.

After all, it wasn't possible to buy enough chicken, duck, and goose every day to satisfy the meat needs of over a hundred people in the mansion.

Therefore, when Chen Xue saw chicken coops and duck coops, she was surprised but also somewhat delighted. With this, she would have the meat she wanted.

Unfortunately, although many chickens and ducks were kept in cages, some were still roaming free, so Chen Xue had to catch them herself.

For a moment, there was a flurry of feathers.

By the time she finished catching the chickens and ducks, her hair and clothes were covered in feathers.

She didn't care about it. It would be even more difficult during exile. Compared to that, this was nothing.

Moreover, in her previous life, she grew up in the countryside, catching birds in the mountains, fishing in the river, cooking over a fire, and killing chickens and ducks were all commonplace.

Unfortunately, there were no pigs raised in the mansion, which made her a bit regretful as she couldn't eat braised pork or stewed pork.

After collecting all the food, she moved on to the valuable items and antiques in each room.

She first ran back to her own room, where she saw piles of jewelry and Xiao Die standing beside them.


Xiao Die was dumbfounded when she saw Chen Xue running in with feathers all over her hair. Wasn't the family about to be exiled? Why did Miss look like she had just escaped from the exile procession?

"I'm fine." Chen Xue interrupted her, "You go quickly and see if my mother has sent away all the servants."

After sending Xiao Die away, Chen Xue took away all the jewelry and other valuable items.

Then, she looked around her room and assessed her surroundings.

As expected of a young lady's room, the furnishings were luxurious, classical, and grand. Even the flower vases on the ground were exquisite.

"Good things shouldn't be left behind."

In the spirit of thriftiness, Chen Xue took away everything that looked valuable.

The flower vase?

Good stuff!

The dressing table?

Hmm, this can come too!

The bed?


Well, forget it. If there's no bed in the room, it's too...

In the end, Chen Xue didn't take the bed, but she did take the bedding and even removed the curtains from the bed. Even the potted plants on the windowsill were gone.

After a while, the entire room was left with only tables, chairs, and a wooden bed, looking extremely bleak. One couldn't imagine that this was the room where the daughter of a Ministry of Revenue official, a young lady, lived.

Even the rooms of commoners might look...

Chen Xue didn't care about that. Since they were being exiled, and the people here didn't know about the existence of her space, there was no need to be overly cautious.

After that, she went to other rooms one by one. She didn't think too much about them and just waved her hand, taking away all the tables and chairs.

In the end, only empty rooms were left.

After clearing out the inner courtyard, it was time for the front courtyard. Although it was tiring, Chen Xue enjoyed it as if she didn't know about the impending exile.


As she walked towards the front courtyard, Chen Xue heard the sound of water splashing. She turned her head and saw several red carp playing in the water, occasionally jumping out and falling back into the water.

"Sorry, you brought this upon yourselves."

Chen Xue rubbed her hands and ran to the lake, putting her hand into the water.

With her space covering thousands of acres, there was also a lake inside. As long as she put her hand into the water, she could collect all the water.

In the blink of an eye, the entire lake disappeared.

The water, the fish, oh, and the lotus flowers and lotus roots, all disappeared, leaving only a huge pit behind.

If someone who had never been here before saw this, they wouldn't know what it was originally.

Arriving at the front courtyard, Chen Xue saw her mother anxiously pacing back and forth in the hall, obviously waiting for news.

Seeing Chen Xue approaching, her mother hurriedly said, "Xiao Xue, have you thought it over? We can still leave through the tunnel now."

Chen Xue was enjoying herself with the search and had already prepared for exile. Even if they were exiled now, she wouldn't be worried.

However, leaving now would definitely attract the emperor's pursuit and the pursuit of their enemies. At that time, there would truly be no place for her in the world.

"Mother, I'm not leaving. I want to stay with you all."

Touched, the woman hugged Chen Xue, feeling that she hadn't raised her daughter in vain.


At this moment, a servant who had gone out for help returned.

"How did it go?"

Madam released Chen Xue and looked at the servant, her eyes full of hope.

"Assistant Minister of the Grand Court and Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites both said that the imperial decision is final, and there's no possibility of overturning it. They advised us to accept it..."

"Hehe, when disaster strikes, everyone runs for themselves." Madam sneered, "Those who were as close as brothers on ordinary days now treat us like strangers. That's human nature."

"By the way, Madam, on my way back, I saw General Guo leading the Golden Guards towards us..."

Guo Qiang!

Madam's eyes narrowed. Guo Qiang wasn't important, but what was important was that his uncle was the Minister of Revenue, Chen Heng's immediate superior.

According to reason, with the suspicion of embezzlement of disaster relief food, the Minister of Revenue would be the most suspected. But he was safe and sound, while Chen Yuan was thrown into prison.

A family's members know its own matters best.

Her husband didn't embezzle, so the most suspicious one was the Minister of Revenue. What's more, the person who was ransacking their house now was a relative of the Minister of Revenue.

Anyone with half a brain could see the hidden agenda behind this, but what could they do even if they saw it?

Just as she was thinking, a group of soldiers rushed in from outside.


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