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Chapter 286: Capital City

Bai Lu remembered the address.

The train arrived in the capital city, it was already the evening of the second day, so she could only find a nearby hotel to stay for the night.

The next morning, she would go to the family compound.

There were security guards stationed at the entrance of the family compound, registering the comings and goings, and strangers were not allowed inside.

In the scorching summer, Bai Lu stood across from the entrance of the family compound, under the lush trees, waiting. As time passed, with each minute and second, people came in and out of the entrance, but none of them were familiar figures to her. Her anxiety and confusion continued to rise until it reached its peak.

Where did Mom and Dad go?

It's the weekend, aren't they at home?

The family compound had complete living facilities, leisure, entertainment, sports, courts, and all kinds of living amenities, forming its own living system. On weekends and holidays, the auditorium would sometimes show movies or host parties.

Apart from going out to buy groceries and cook, her parents rarely left the house, so at this time, they should have returned from grocery shopping.

Just as she was thinking, the sound of a car engine approached from afar, a sedan, its type, color, license plate... all matching her memory. Bai Lu immediately hid behind the large tree.

The first black military license plate off-road vehicle opened its door.

A middle-aged man with a straight figure, vigorous posture, and an imposing aura, restrained yet with a sense of killing, stepped out. Time had not left any marks on his face; instead, it accentuated his decisive demeanor in his strong brows.

That was Bai Lu's grandfather, even though he was currently dressed in plainclothes, he couldn't conceal the imposing presence of a soldier.

The second person to come out was her grandmother, dressed elegantly in a qipao, exuding an air of scholarly elegance.

Years had turned her into a serene and elegant figure, embellishing her with a sense of detachment.

The people who came out of the second sedan were her kind-hearted and healthy-looking grandmother, and a grandfather with a righteous demeanor and integrity.

There was also her aunt, who seemed somewhat casual and carefree in her demeanor, but under her mother-in-law's gaze, she immediately behaved.

Her cousin, who was eighteen years old, sat in the same car as her parents. When they opened the door and got out, her delicate and fair hands unexpectedly held a three-year-old boy.

The boy was delicate and lovely, with delicate features and a slightly pouting mouth, and his clear and bright big eyes spun around, fixing their gaze in the direction of the big tree.

Lost in the joy of seeing her family, Bai Lu was stunned. After a moment of slow reaction, her head immediately retreated behind the large tree, and her body, leaning slightly outward, also retracted.

Whose child was that? Nobody paid attention to her, how did he suddenly look over? Did he notice her?

Bai Lu leaned against the trunk of the tree, her arms crossed in front of her, trying to shrink her body to the smallest, narrowest size, reducing her presence and letting the big tree be her shield.

Behind her, her aunt's playful voice came: "Little Bai Tu, what are you looking at? Are there birds or cicadas on that side of the tree?"

Giving cute nicknames to adorable little babies was one of her aunt's hobbies.

She had given her one in her past life.

"Come on, let's go home and have a delicious meal," said her mother's voice, coaxing the child. 

Apparently, she had accepted this cute nickname, inviting the soft and cute little Bai Tu to her home for dinner.

Bai Lu subconsciously peeked out, and sure enough, she saw the young and beautiful "mother" with a gentle smile on her face, and the little Bai Lu who had turned around again, his bright big eyes staring at her direction once more.

Her mother also subconsciously looked over.

Her aunt, uncle, aunt-in-law, grandparents, and her just-getting-out-of-the-car father all looked over at the same time, their gazes covering the entire tree like a large net.

The Bai Lu who had hidden behind the tree for a second held her breath, her arms crossed in front of her, not daring to move.

Her grandfather was very sensitive, able to perceive any slight movements. It was best not to change anything, not even her heart rate or breathing rate, just let the nervousness continue to rise.

In front of her grandfather, any thoughts of luck were like transparent paper.

Bai Lu's current identity was a stranger to them, sneaking around at the entrance of the family compound, anyone would suspect her motives.

Time passed in faint breaths, she didn't know how long it had been, it felt like an eternity.

The icy gazes sweeping from all directions gradually disappeared. Just before they vanished, they lingered on the trunk of the tree for a while, making Bai Lu's palms sweat with fear.

Fortunately, as the scanning gazes left one after another, a series of departing footsteps sounded.

Just as Bai Lu thought that her first visit to her family after arriving in the 1990s was over.

The innocent and childish voice of the little white rabbit, like a thunderbolt, stiffened Bai Lu's entire body.

The little Bai Tu said, "Mommy, carry."

The answer to agreeing to pick up the Bai Lu was her... mother's voice: "Be good, Mommy will carry you home and make braised pork for you. Don't kick your feet when you're being carried."

Her father's stern voice followed, "If you kick, we'll tie your feet up, and you'll have to walk by yourself."

Her aunt chimed in, "Little Bai Tu, be good and hide your feet quickly. If you're late, you'll be stewed. Be good and go back to eat lots of birthday cake. Today is your birthday, do you want to eat lots of cake?"

"I want to."

So, today wasn't the usual gathering of two families, but rather, the birthday of the little Bai Tu.

The cake box her father held was also for his son, the birthday cake.

She didn't remember wrongly, it wasn't someone's birthday coming up early, but her parents' child having a birthday.

In the world of the 21st century, her parents only had her, no other children.

Now, how could it be...

The sudden and unexpected news left Bai Lu's mind blank, unable to think.

After who knows how long she calmed down, she recalled a memory with all her might.

When she was young, there seemed to be a vague memory of her grandmother bringing tonics to her mother.

She said her mother had slipped and fell, making it difficult to conceive again. After five years, she finally conceived Bai Lu, but it was difficult to give birth, and her body was probably not going to recover as before...

So, was the three-year-old child, the little Bai Lu, the child her mother failed to keep in her previous life?

Was he a replacement for her? Then in 1999, would "she" not be born?

Bai Lu felt chills all over her body.

If this was a parallel world, the life trajectories of people like Xiao Cheng and Luo Shiliu wouldn't be exactly the same as the memories she saw in the 21st century.

The affectionate relationships, actions, behavior, dress, and demeanor of her parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousin would also not be exactly the same as in the 21st century.

If it wasn't a parallel world, she would still be in the 21st-century timeline of her own life, just returning to twenty-three years ago, and everything should have remained unchanged.

But now, there was an extra variable, "the little Bai Tu."

Chapter 287: Family

Whether it's a parallel world or the timeline of the 21st century, everything has changed.

Bai Lu gathered her courage and once again peeked out from behind the tree, trying to take in the entire world with the smallest visual range.

Grandfather asked the security guard about the progress of the reconstruction of the parking lot in the residential area, which stage it had reached.

The security guard respectfully replied that it would be completed the day after tomorrow, detailing every aspect as if reporting to his superior. Finally, he expressed sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to Grandfather and others due to the reconstruction of the parking lot in the residential area, promising to speed up the completion process.

The whole family entered the residential area in high spirits.

Mom held the little boy in her arms.

The little boy lay on Mom's shoulder, waving his short white hands towards the family behind him. His delicate face was filled with joy, and he called out to his family in a tender voice.

"Dad... Grandpa, Grandma..."

"Grandpa, Grandma..."

"Great-grandpa, Great-grandma..."

"Uncle, Aunt, Aunt..."

"Eat cake..."

The family members whose names were called out by the tender voice all smiled kindly, waving back in response to the greetings or softly speaking to the little boy.

"What a good little Bai Tu. If Grandma finishes all your cake, will you be mad at Grandma?"

"No, there's a lot of cake."

"I see. Grandpa and Grandma also want to eat cake..."

"Uncle and Aunt also want to eat cake..."

"Aunt wants to eat cake..."

"The cake is so small, it definitely can't be divided among so many people. If Bai Tu offers his own share of cake and gives each of us a taste, we'll each promise Bai Tu a birthday wish. How about that?"

The family's tender affection, their promises with integrity, and the warm and harmonious scene of their interactions overlapped with the deeply ingrained memories in Bailu's mind.

"Lulu, look at the little princess dress Aunt bought for you. Is it pretty? Aunt has twenty more in the car... They're all birthday gifts for Lulu. Do you like them?"

When Bai Lu was a baby and couldn't speak yet, she often expressed her emotions by puckering her lips, so Aunt would call her Lulu, and then the whole family started calling her Lulu.

"Lulu, hurry home with Grandma. Grandma made you a little flower cart. Inside and outside the cart are beautiful little flowers, and the swing in the yard is also covered with flowers..."

"Lulu is going to see tanks and cannons with Grandpa..."

"Lulu, go fishing with Uncle. Uncle will grill fish for you, delicious grilled goldfish~"

"Lulu is going to catch bad guys with Great-grandpa..."

"In the world of books, there's a golden house, and in the world of books, there's a beautiful face like jade. Lulu is going to play in the world of books with Grandma..."

"Lulu, go with Dad... Hmm, you're still young. Dad will take you to find Mom..."

"Lulu, look at the little sugar figurine Mom made for you..."

As she grew up...

"What's wrong, Lulu? Your eyes are so swollen. Were you bullied by your classmates? Don't worry, tell Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad will accompany you to school, teach the law in class, make the people who bullied you apologize to you, and strictly follow the rules to send them to juvenile detention, urging them to reflect on how to be a better person..."

"Lulu, fill in the major you like for your college application. Do what you want to do, we support you. No matter how many setbacks and difficulties you encounter in the future, as long as you turn around, you'll see us behind you, always accompanying you. Family will always be your strongest backing, your reliance."

Later, due to an accident and a change of time and space, everything about Lulu was transferred to the Bai Tu.

Lulu no longer had a family.

Bailu watched as her family's figures gradually disappeared into the distance, disappearing from her sight and memory. Her heart felt as if it was being clenched by a giant hand, irregular heartbeats sounding like shattered cracks from a heavy blow, even breathing felt like a luxury.

The sunlight stung her eyes, blurring the scenes and memories, her consciousness both vague and clear, the world collapsing.

The world that her family had created, sheltering her and ensuring her well-being year after year, had shattered.


Forever gone.

The reality was right in front of her, crashing into her heart. Bai Lu didn't want to accept it, but she had to.

Approaching deliberately would only arouse suspicion and aversion, destroying the intact beauty of the past.

In a military and political family, they were particularly sensitive to the approach of strangers, seeing through it at a glance and dealing with it accordingly.

During junior high school, Bai Lu had a close friend who was inseparable, with similar interests and values, communicating as if they were soul mates, confiding in each other like true friends.

Until, during her father's trial, when Bai Lu received a request from her close friend hoping that her family would be punished leniently, or even acquitted, speaking in a tone of entitlement.

That was when she realized that friends could also be false.

Her father, who presided over the trial from his high seat as the judge, was fair and just, following principles, evidence, and the law, handing down severe penalties for multiple crimes. When the friend's family didn't accept the verdict and appealed, they were sentenced to death directly in the second trial.

The prosecutor, her grandfather, even instructed people to gather evidence of another crime committed by the friend's family member, reporting it to the court, and personally overseeing the sentencing, sending the judge to prison.

Afterward, her father and grandfather told Bai Lu that she would encounter more "friends" who approached her deliberately, and she had to see through them clearly. They didn't want to see her sad and hurt for the second time.

They kept their public and private lives separate, pouring their hearts out to their own children but showing no mercy to outsiders.

They were Bai Lu's family, her former family.

Now, as a stranger with a stranger's identity, Bai Lu could no longer get close to them, could no longer get close to her family.

Bai Lu wandered aimlessly on the street, her consciousness shattered by the final scene, feeling lost, her pupils dilated, unable to see the comings and goings of people, unable to see the way.

Couldn't see cars, couldn't see anything, as if she was floating outside the entire world, abandoned by the world, detached.

The sunny sky, at some unknown time, was shrouded in dark clouds, with no warning, suddenly raining. The pitter-patter of raindrops wetted pedestrians' hair and clothes from head to toe.

From scattered drizzle to pouring rain, without giving anyone time to react or seek shelter.

People on the street covered their heads with their hands, trying to shelter from the rain, hurrying to find shelter, either at the door of a street-side shop or rushing home nearby, leaving only those without homes soaked like chickens in soup.

The girl on the street, her long hair wet and dripping, her clothes clinging to her body, continued walking, her steps heavy and sluggish, not knowing where to go.

Pedestrians sheltering from the rain on the roadside all looked at her, some calling out to her to take cover from the rain, perhaps the rain was too loud for her to hear.

No response, just walking in the pouring rain.


Under the curtain of rain, a tall figure with a black umbrella appeared, stopping in front of the girl. The umbrella tilted towards the girl, blocking all the rain that fell on her.

On such a hot summer day, it was unclear why he had a coat, which he draped over the girl.

Covering the girl's slender body, he hugged the unresponsive girl and left.

The rain continued to fall, heavier and heavier, but the slender figure sheltered in the arms of the tall figure had already disappeared into the distance at the end of the street, disappearing from the sight and memory of the people.

Chapter 288: Solution

Bai Lu had just walked out of the street when she fainted.

The last scene was him coming from the rain with an umbrella, entering the entire world.

He—it was Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng was worried that Bai Lu would get sick from the rain. The last time she had a high fever, he was deeply worried. He carried her back to the hotel to change her clothes, then immediately took her to the hospital for a check-up. After confirming that she was fine, they returned to the hotel to pack up and bought tickets to return to Nan City that night.

All the way, Bai Lu was in a daze, half-conscious and unable to speak.

She couldn't eat anything either. Every time she tried, she would vomit. By the time they got home, she had visibly lost weight, her frail body collapsing at the slightest breeze, barely weighing anything in his arms.

Her face was even paler than when she had the fever last time, haggard, her eyes lifeless and lost, like an abandoned little animal, lying motionless on the bed staring at the ceiling.

That night, she developed a high fever again.

39.8 degrees, worse than last time.

The doctor prescribed a different Chinese medicine formula this time and advised Xiao Cheng to always stay by Bai Lu's side. Her condition wasn't optimistic; there was a high probability that she would have recurrent fevers.

The doctor also mentioned that Bai Lu wasn't emotionally unstable; her emotions had entered a stagnant state, and her perception was completely closed off, refusing to take in any external information.

Her bodily functions were also in a forced state of rest, not knowing what to do or what was happening.

The doctor suggested that Xiao Cheng have Bai Lu admitted to the hospital for observation.

Admitting her to the hospital would ensure that any sudden developments could be addressed promptly. However, Xiao Cheng didn't want to force Bai Lu to go to the hospital. Every time they went, she would resist and struggle, refusing even to lie on the bed, curling up in his arms trembling all over.

It seemed like hospitals and beds held very unpleasant memories for her, perhaps even fearsome memories.

Xiao Cheng could only take Bai Lu back home under the doctor's puzzled and concerned gaze.

Xiao Wei was responsible for getting the medicine.

After the medicine was brewed, Bai Lu couldn't drink it. She would vomit as soon as she smelled it. Xiao Cheng had to resort to the same method as last time, pouring the medicine into a juice can and coaxing her to drink it.

Bai Lu drank only half the can.

Xiao Wei was amazed at this method of administering medicine. Putting the medicine in a juice can, was it still medicine? It was just a different container, but Bai Lu couldn't even smell it.

Was she confused because of her illness?

To speed up Bai Lu's recovery, Xiao Wei decided not to tell her this cruel truth.

At night, Xiao Cheng fed Bai Lu the medicine again, and once again she drank half the can, unaware that it contained medicine.

Bai Lu's fever subsided.

Her face wasn't as pale anymore, but it turned slightly blue because she hadn't eaten much these past few days, making her look thin and wan.

She had lost even more weight, barely able to get out of bed, and walking was an effort, as if she would collapse at any moment.

The fever hadn't completely gone away; it would subside during the day but return at night.

This went on for several days, with unpredictable fluctuations.

Xiao Cheng started preparing fever-reducing medicine early every evening, simmering it slowly at the bottom of the pot, it had become a habit for him.

He was worried sick, unable to sleep at night had become the norm.

Fortunately, Bai Lu didn't reject Xiao Cheng's actions of sleeping beside her and taking care of her. Once she fell asleep, she would naturally curl up in his arms, waking him up in the middle of the night to feed her medicine.


After Xiao Cheng and Xiao Wei worried day and night, unable to eat or sleep properly, and on the verge of despair, Bailu recovered.

She stopped having fevers during the day and at night.

Her appetite returned to half of what it used to be, she had the energy to walk, and occasionally she would go to the vegetable garden to weed. At night, she would sit in the yard under the moonlight, read books, and admire the stars.

Her complexion no longer turned blue or pale, and she would occasionally smile, although her smile wasn't as bright as before.

She didn't seem to feel the happiness or joy she used to, but instead felt heavy and oppressed, as if weighed down by dark clouds.

She also lost interest in watching TV and would occasionally stare blankly in one direction. When keeping accounts, she would make mistakes.

This was something that would never have happened before.

Xiao Cheng and Xiao Wei knew that Bai Lu hadn't fully recovered, or rather, she wasn't happy.

Luo Shiliu, Xiao Dazhuang, and Wang Hao also noticed that Bai Lu hadn't completely recovered from her illness.

Avoiding Bai Lu's gaze, they secretly asked Xiao Cheng, "What's wrong with your wife?"

Actually, they didn't need to avoid her gaze at all because Bai Lu didn't pay attention to them at all. Even when Xiao Wei sat beside her chatting, she only received Bai Lu's gentle responses, never an emotional gaze.

Although Xiao Cheng was worried in his heart, his face remained expressionless. "She's sick."

"..." Luo Shiliu, Wang Hao, Xiao Dazhuang: "..."

So were they blind?

Couldn't they see that Bai Lu was sick?

Luo Shiliu decided not to argue with Xiao Cheng, who was speaking incoherently due to excessive worry, and glanced at Bai Lu, who was peeling an eggplant, asking, "Is your wife unhappy?"

Isn't that obvious!?

Xiao Dazhuang and Wang Hao felt that Luo Shiliu was also sick, asking such obvious questions in a confusing manner, just like Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng's response was still the same: "Yeah."

"..." Luo Shiliu, Wang Hao, Xiao Dazhuang: "..."

So they had regressed in reading comprehension?

Xiao Dazhuang and Wang Hao decided to remain silent. If there was anything they needed help with, they would ask.

Xiao Cheng seemed to have some need for help as well. Looking at his three friends across the table, a phrase suddenly came to mind: "Three cobblers with their wits combined equal a Zhang Liang."

He cleared his throat. "Any ideas?"

"What ideas?" The three cobblers were momentarily confused, not understanding what the boss's nonsensical statement meant.

A cold stare swept over them, causing the cobblers to instinctively avoid it, then they noticed Bai Lu's gloomy expression.

Finally understanding, "Ways to make the wife happy."

The three cobblers immediately began to ponder.

After a moment, Luo Shiliu suggested, "How about cooking a delicious meal for the wife? You're such a good cook; if the wife eats it, she'll definitely be happy."

Upon hearing the first half of the suggestion, Xiao Cheng wanted to shoot Luo Shiliu a cold glare, but upon hearing the second half, he retracted it.

"I've already done that."

"Once or twice?" Luo Shiliu pursued, "Or every meal?"

Xiao Cheng didn't want to engage with him.

Wang Hao and Xiao Dazhuang realized that Luo Shiliu was a bit of a troublemaker. Knowing that the boss had his pride, for so many years, rather than watch them eat miscellaneous pig feed, he would neither eat nor cook for them. Now, not only did he cook for Bai Lu, but he also admitted it himself.

Anyone who had been with the boss for more than a year knew that this was the boss's limit of expression. Not to mention that they had followed the boss for so many years, Luo Shiliu was definitely a troublemaker.

"During this time when the wife was seriously ill, how could she have the energy to cook? If it weren't for Brother Cheng cooking, who else could do it?" Luo Shiliu sighed as if he had been struck by a sincere person's blow.

"What do you suggest then?"

"I've never been in a relationship or courted a girl, so I don't know how to please a girl. You guys teach me, and I'll teach Brother Cheng."

Xiao Cheng gave him a cold look. "Do I need you to teach me?"

"Don't you need it?"

The three cobblers replied with a soul-searching question.

Xiao Cheng: "..."

Seeing Bai Lu's absent-minded, melancholic appearance, it was obvious that she had some emotional baggage. The three cobblers couldn't think of a good solution either, so they could only continue to rack their brains, burning out their brain cells.

Chapter 289: Barbecue

Wang Hao couldn't think of a solution. Apart from Chen Chunli, he hadn't interacted with any other girls. To make Chen Chunli happy, giving her money to buy things should suffice.

However, Bai Lu could earn money herself, and money wasn't important to her. Giving her money wouldn't make her happy.

Xiao Dazhuang, who had never been in a relationship, was even more clueless. He had never liked any girls from childhood to adulthood, so he didn't know how to please them. He thought that to make Bai Lu happy, just giving gifts should work. As for what to give—


"Brother Cheng, let's have a feast of fish for Sister-in-law. I'll cover all the expenses."

As soon as the words were spoken, they were met with disdainful looks.

Xiao Dazhuang scratched the back of his head in confusion. Even after scratching, he still didn't understand. "Aren't fish delicious?"

"No matter how delicious something is, if you eat it every day, you'll get tired of it!" Luo Shiliu sympathized with the small river in Xiao Cheng's backyard. "Can't you see how much fish you've given Big Brother and Sister-in-law? Last time we went to catch fish for the gathering, the small river was stuffed full, and even the smallest fish could hit the bigger ones."

Xiao Dazhuang's uncle made a living by fishing on the riverbank and often gave fish to Xiao Dazhuang's mother, who then asked Xiao Dazhuang to deliver some to Xiaocheng and Bailu.

When Bai Lu was pregnant, she received crucian carp.

After knowing she wasn't pregnant, besides crucian carp, they also received grass carp, silver carp, and many others, all not very large but plentiful.

They had received almost every kind of fish from the river, big and small, to the point where Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu couldn't finish eating them.

Xiao Dazhuang finally realized that his method wasn't working and sheepishly withdrew his suggestion of continuing to recommend a fish feast.

There weren't many entertainment options in the town, no night markets either. Life was similar to that in the countryside, rising at dawn and resting at sunset. They were busy with chores during the day and rested at night.

Having meals, enjoying what they couldn't afford on normal days, only occasionally indulging in a luxurious feast, was the happiest thing they could think of.

But Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu seemed not to need it.

To be precise, ever since Bai Lu started her business of candied chestnuts, Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu's family didn't need it anymore, because they earned money and their lives improved.

They could afford to eat chicken, duck, fish, and meat every day.

Xiao Cheng even had shrimp brought from Nan City to cook for Bai Lu, a rarity in ordinary households.

Bai Lu's appetite had been cultivated by Xiao Cheng; eating chicken, duck, fish, and meat had become commonplace.

She couldn't be happy at all.

The three cobblers exhausted their brain cells, repeatedly denying the useless methods they came up with.


Just before Xiao Cheng's patience ran out and he was about to drive the cobblers away, Luo Shiliu had a flash of inspiration.

He came up with a plan: "When we went to Nan City before, didn't we see those stalls selling grilled food at the night market? Why don't we also have a barbecue?"

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the three opposite, Luo Shiliu hurriedly explained, "There's a tall iron rack with charcoal inside. On top of the charcoal, there's an iron mesh, and on the mesh, there are various kinds of meat skewers and other skewers. When they're almost done, a bunch of miscellaneous ingredients are scattered on top. Then they're brushed with various sauces with a small brush. Although the smell after being grilled is a mishmash, it's still fragrant. I've seen many people go to eat it, so the taste should be good. How about we also have a mishmash barbecue feast? Sister-in-law might like it."

After listening to Luo Shiliu's haphazard description, the three men finally understood what he was talking about.


That thing was expensive and in short supply.

It wasn't their first choice for supper after they finished their business.

Noodles, fried rice, and other large portions of supper were their first choice to fill their hungry stomachs.

However, this expensive and scarce barbecue stuff was indeed a must-have for many people at the night market.

After visiting Beijing with Bai Lu once, Xiao Cheng learned about Bai Lu's previous life, where she was showered with affection and enjoyed all the goodness in the world, tasting all the delicious food in the world, but she had been living a plain life in Xin Town for so long.

Xin Town couldn't be compared to Beijing. The prosperity of Beijing was something Xin Town could never have.

Perhaps barbecue would be a memory of Bai Lu's past, something she used to enjoy.

Let new memories replace old ones.

Xiao Cheng agreed to the barbecue proposal. They could prepare everything themselves and grill as much as they wanted.

It's just that the ingredients were a bit mixed.

"What ingredients are there?"

"I don't know." Luo Shiliu hadn't eaten it before.

Xiao Dazhuang and Wang Hao hadn't eaten it either. "It seems like there are a lot of bottles and jars, colorful ingredients scattered and brushed randomly. We don't know what they all are."

"Let's go to Nan City and ask the barbecue stall owner for the ingredients, and ask him to teach us how to grill."

Xiao Dazhuang's subconscious suggestion was to sincerely suggest, but it was met with disdainful looks from the entire table.

Luo Shiliu slapped him hard on the head. "We're on the right path now, doing legitimate business, legitimate business, legitimate!"

Xiao Dazhuang had followed Xiaocheng for so long. Whatever Xiao Cheng said was what they did. When Xiao Cheng said to go the right way, they went the right way. Although he had mentally accepted it, his subconscious hadn't changed yet. Now, he was reminded by Luo Shiliu's slap on the head.

He changed his mind. "Got it."

"We'll go find the barbecue stall owner to buy the ingredients and ask him to teach us how to grill the best."

Thinking it was a great idea, buying ingredients and wanting the secret recipe from others, Wang Hao thought this method was feasible. "Let's make this happy decision then."

Xiao Cheng: "..."

Luo Shiliu: "..."

The four of them started discussing the barbecue plan.

"Knock knock knock—Bai Lu!"

An untimely knock on the door interrupted the discussion of the grown men and Bai Lu's absent-mindedness.

Xiao Wei followed Bai Lu to open the door.

Zhou Jiayi, wearing a cool denim skirt suit, and her follower Lan Caiying, along with three of Bai Lu's former classmates and the sweaty Li Shuixian, arrived with insincere concern.

"I heard you were sick. We were classmates after all, so we came to visit you."

"Why didn't you bring a gift when visiting?" Xiao Wei was straightforward.

Li Shuixian glared fiercely at him. "It's too hot now. It's not appropriate to give any gifts."

Xiao Wei didn't back down. He stared back fiercely. "You can bring a big watermelon. My sister-in-law likes to eat watermelon, and there are watermelons for sale on the street."

Li Shuixian didn't come to visit Bai Lu.

It was with Zhou Jiayi and others, who found out about Bai Lu's high school entrance exam results and came to pick a fight with her, to make her condition worse.

Now, being exposed by Xiao Wei for the gift, she was annoyed and frustrated, and could only brush it off with a perfunctory sentence.

"We came in a hurry this time and forgot. We'll buy one next time."

"I'll remember that." Xiao Wei stared at Li Shuixian with a serious expression, noting down the gift she owed Bai Lu.

Li Shuixian: "..."

Zhou Jiayi looked at Bai Lu, who was thin and haggard, not as beautiful and flamboyant as before, and asked with concern, "Bai Lu, what's wrong? You're so sick."

"Is it because you found out about your high school entrance exam results?"

Chapter 290: Female Top Scholar

Zhou Jiayi said to herself with a face full of sympathy, "Don't be sad. Just treat it as going through the process of the exam, experiencing the atmosphere of the college entrance examination. After all, it's only once in a lifetime.

"Your grades were not ideal to begin with. You should have been mentally prepared for not getting in."

"As for me..." Zhou Jiayi proudly sighed with an unsurprised air, "I didn't have any mental preparation at all. I easily surpassed the cutoff for first-tier universities."

"When I called the teacher today to inquire about the results, I couldn't believe it myself. Bai Lu, don't be upset. Intelligence and talent are not something everyone has. Genius is genius. Whether you admit it or not, what you desperately try to achieve, I effortlessly obtained."

At first listen, it sounded like consolation, but upon closer inspection, it was full of mockery, belittling, and self-proclaimed geniuses' attack on the dullards.

Bai Lu was in a bad mood and didn't want to engage with people. She wanted to close the door directly, but the door was blocked by Lan Caiying and three other classmates, who put their feet against it and leaned their elbows against the door frame to prevent it from closing.

"Bai Lu, if you're sick, you should come out more. What are you doing cooped up at home every day?"

"Come out and listen to our good news about the college entrance examination. Share the joy with us."

"Listen to Jiayi's score meeting the cutoff for first-tier universities. You should be happy for her. She's really amazing, a genius graduate of our school. Those students who dragged down the class, who couldn't even get into third-tier universities, upon hearing Jiayi's dazzling score, probably want to run into a wall, wish they could bury themselves as garbage, and feel too ashamed to show their faces or go out!"

Li Shuixian and Lan Caiying and a few other female classmates sarcastically mocked, trying to make Bai Lu uncomfortable in any way they could.

They didn't physically attack Bai Lu, and Xiao Cheng and Luo Shiliu and others were at home, so they couldn't do anything to them.

There were also neighbors coming and going outside. Xiao Cheng and the others wouldn't dare to lay a hand on the girls.

The more the female classmates and Li Shuixian said, the bolder they became, pretending to care while trampling Bai Lu into the mud.

Each sentence was completely devoid of genuine concern, filled with sarcasm, and they wished to make Bai Lu pass out on the spot from anger.

But even though Bai Lu looked pale and sickly, showing signs of illness, she didn't show the slightest hint of anger.

It was as if she didn't care about failing the college entrance examination at all, whether she had already accepted the fact or was suffering immensely inside, deliberately appearing calm to them.

Even her tone was calm as she asked them, "Are you so certain that you've seen my score?"

"With your grades, is there a need to check?" The female classmate Liu Qing almost laughed out loud. "You're either last or second to last every time in the exams. Could it be that you'll miraculously rank third from the bottom in the college entrance examination?"

Other female classmates chimed in, "It's already not bad to be second to last. Being third from the last? Liu Qing, you're joking. Bai Lu couldn't achieve that even if she tried her best."

"Do you think she's like our genius scholar Jiayi? Just casually taking exams and meeting the cutoff for first-tier universities?"

Li Shuixian deliberately said loudly, "Bai Lu, don't be sad. Failing the college entrance examination is normal. Every year, so many people mess it up. It's normal for you to mess up too.

"Your grades have always been so poor. It's a waste of money to go to the city to take the exam. How many kilograms of chestnuts do you have to sell to make it back? It's really a loss!"

The neighbors passing by had no idea that Bai Lu had taken the college entrance examination. Upon hearing Li Shuixian's words, their sympathetic gazes toward Bai Lu were filled with sighs.

Truly, fate played tricks on people.

Bai Lu was so smart in her business of selling candied fruits and roasted chestnuts, yet she failed the college entrance examination.

One cannot multitask in life. One shouldn't aim too high. Trying to run a business selling candied fruits and roasted chestnuts while studying, how could one achieve good grades? Not failing the exam is already a miracle.

Bai Lu was still too proud and complacent.

"You're talking nonsense!" Xiao Wei refused to believe Li Shuixian and Zhou Jiayi's words. Bai Lu was so smart, she would definitely achieve good results. She wouldn't fail the exam.

But Zhou Jiayi smirked, "Don't believe it? Ask her to call the teacher and check the results. See if she's last or second to last."

"I think she might be the last in the province~"

Li Shuixian and Liu Qing burst into laughter. They knew Bai Lu definitely wouldn't have the face to call the teacher.

So they deliberately asked Bai Lu to call the teacher. If Bai Lu insisted on saving face and made the call, it would be humiliating for her. If she didn't, it would mean admitting that her results were too shameful to check.

The neighbors were still watching the commotion. After this statement, who would doubt that Bai Lu was not the last one?

Before long, the news of Bai Lu's failure in the college entrance examination spread throughout the town, with rumors saying she got the last place.

If she couldn't even study well, who would dare to do business with her in the future? If they lost money, who would she turn to for justice?

Bai Lu's business would soon be doomed.

Li Shuixian finally got her revenge on Bai Lu for ruining the reputation of the grocery store, laughing so hard that her fat jiggled.

Zhou Jiayi looked at the pale-faced Bai Lu, convinced that Bai Lu was finally driven to the brink of illness by anger, feeling a sense of satisfaction in her heart, and her mocking expression became even more disdainful.

Liu Qing and the other female classmates mocked and laughed, not giving Bai Lu and Xiao Wei a chance to speak.

Until a sound of gongs and drums came.

The deafening sound came from the direction of the main street, penetrating through the streets and alleys, straight toward the home of Xiao Cheng and Bai Lu.

The joyful noise directly overwhelmed the laughter of Li Shuixian and Zhou Jiayi, as well as the mocking voices of Liu Qing and others.

They all turned around simultaneously.

Instantly, their eyes widened in shock.

Unable to bear seeing Bai Lu being bullied, Xiao Cheng, Luo Shiliu, and others came out and were also stunned at the door.

But in their stunned state, they felt that it was only right.

The neighbors who had been discussing were also stunned. After seeing the lion dance team getting closer and closer, and being almost deafened by the sounds of gongs and drums, they hurriedly made way.

Whether they were just spectating or going to buy groceries, they all retreated to the sides of the main road.

All eyes were fixed on the mayor of the town, Yang Qingsong, and the banner carried above the lion dance team in the middle of the road.

"Hearty congratulations to Bai Lu, a student from Pingcheng Xinzhen, for her great success in the college entrance examination, achieving full marks in all subjects and becoming the top female scholar! She can choose any top university in the country, bringing glory to her ancestors and shining the light for Pingcheng in G Province!"

"Bai Lu, the top female scholar in the province, the top female scholar in the country, the unparalleled top female scholar!"

After reading the congratulatory words on the festive red banner and listening to the loud broadcast of the lion dance team's congratulations, everyone on the scene was no longer stunned. They were all stunned.

"B-B-Bai Lu is actually the top scholar in the country!"

"She's not the last one, she got full marks in all subjects, she's the top student in the country!"

The onlookers exclaimed in astonishment.

Yang Qingsong and other public officials of the new town didn't want to be so high-profile, but Bai Lu's results were too outstanding, too domineering, and brought too much glory to Pingcheng, the entire G Province.

They couldn't be low-key at all.

If the banner wasn't grand enough, it would be disrespectful to Bai Lu, the first female top scholar in G Province's history!

The entire nation's first full-score female top scholar - Bai Lu!


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