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Chapter 2459: Extra - Grand Finale, Part 2

Seeing the return of the big rabbit bag, Mengmeng happily bounced over and said, "Daddy, you're amazing."

Meng Yunzheng smiled, patted her head, and urged her to go to bed soon.

Then he turned to Shu Yu and said, "Let's pack up; we'll leave the capital early tomorrow."

Shu Yu chuckled, "Do we really need to rush like this?"

Meng Yunzheng looked at her helplessly, "What do you think?"

With his identity as Mountain Dweller exposed, he could imagine how difficult the days ahead would be.

Taking advantage of the situation while the news was still fresh, it was best to leave quickly.

Shu Yu asked, "Should we leave just the two of us, or should everyone leave together?"

"Just the two of us. Pan Yi and the others have come to the capital for a rare opportunity to exchange knowledge. They can handle things on their own now, and with Master Hejiang here, staying for another half a month won't be a problem."

Shu Yu nodded, "Alright."

Since they had been in the capital for quite some time, they had already visited all the places worth seeing and met the people they needed to meet. With the lectures concluded, there was nothing left for them to do in the capital.

After packing their belongings, Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng left a letter behind as they had decided to leave suddenly. Since they couldn't say goodbye to everyone in person, they entrusted someone to pass on their message.

When the next morning arrived, two carriages silently departed from the back door of the inn.

The news that Meng Yunzheng, the head of Zenglu Academy, was the mysterious Mountain Dweller, who had never revealed his true identity, quickly spread throughout the scholarly circles of the capital. Not only that, even the ladies' circles, like Madam Qi and others, were in shock.

However, the most surprised were those who knew Meng Yunzheng personally. They never imagined that Mountain Dweller was him, someone they interacted with regularly!

Early in the morning, there was a commotion outside the inn where Zenglu Academy's students were staying. Unfortunately, what awaited the crowd was just a letter.

The students of Zenglu Academy were unwilling to open the door. Last night, their headmaster had told them that he would be leaving. They were still in a daze and hadn't had a chance to speak their minds.

Luckily, these were all students of Zenglu Academy, and Master Shanju was their headmaster. They would have plenty of time to spend with him in the future.

Student Yan, who had a quick mind, saw the crowd outside and immediately saw an opportunity. Without saying a word, he took advantage of this rare chance for publicity and began to promote the benefits of Zenglu Academy.

Maybe he could attract more students to return with them, and perhaps Master Shanju would treat them differently now?

Meng Yunzheng had no idea that the students had already been influenced and were learning to seize opportunities and "generate income" for the academy.

At this moment, they had quietly left the city. It was only when they had passed through the city gates that Mengmeng woke up groggily.

She found herself in the carriage and was surprised, "Mommy, where are we going?"

"We're leaving the capital."

"What?" Mengmeng exclaimed, "We're leaving? But, but I haven't said goodbye to Dou Dou yet."

As soon as she said this, a familiar voice sounded from not far away, "Meng Meng, little sister—"

Mengmeng and Huohuo both stuck their heads out of the carriage, and even Shu Yu looked at the front in surprise.

They saw a carriage stopped not far away, and next to it stood Xiao Shi and Dou Dou, just like when they had entered the city before.

Shu Yu was pleasantly surprised, "Sister-in-law and Little Dou, why are you here?"


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