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Chapter 2442: Extra - Yao Bo's Assignment

After Shu Yu's marriage, Yao Bo had been staying at the Zenglu Academy, learning from the two scholars and expanding his knowledge. Surprisingly, after their guidance, he found new ways of understanding previously obscure and challenging concepts. It was as if he suddenly had a breakthrough in his understanding, discovering fresh study methods.

He stayed in Dong'an Prefecture for half a year before returning to the capital with his wife and child to continue his studies at the Emperial Academy.

From that point on, his progress in his studies skyrocketed. Two years ago, he participated in the Autumn Imperial Examination and became a Jinshi in one fell swoop. He continued to excel, becoming the top scholar in the following Spring Imperial Examination, ultimately becoming a Juren.

Given Yao Bo's background and with his father, Yao Tianqin, assisting him, securing a good official position in the capital would have been a breeze. However, both Yao Tianqin and Yao Bo were straightforward individuals who preferred hard work over shortcuts.

Yao Bo wanted to accumulate experience, gain a broad understanding of politics, and then return. Yao Tianqin supported his decision and even sought the advice of Meng Yunzheng, who thought it was an excellent idea. Throughout history, many successful individuals had gone through the process of being assigned to posts outside their home regions, gradually earning their positions based on their accomplishments.

As a result, Yao Bo was assigned to be the county magistrate of a southeastern county. His wife, Kang Shi, and their son, Mu Mu, naturally accompanied him.

Yao Tianqin and Madam Yao had only one son, and their family became noticeably quieter when they left. Especially for young Mu Mu, Madam Yao had a hard time parting with him.

If it weren't for the fact that the child was so young and would be better off staying with his parents, Madam Yao would have wanted to take care of him herself. After all, she had nothing pressing to do at home.

Fortunately, Yao Bo promised that they would come back to visit every two years, bringing Kang Shi and their child back to see the elderly and stay for a while. This way, the child wouldn't forget his grandparents as he grew up.

Madam Yao felt more at ease with this arrangement. Now, when she saw the two children, she couldn't contain her joy.

She told Shu Yu, "I get along quite well with your Aunt Fang. Their family lives on the third street behind here. Unfortunately, they've all gone back to their hometown for some time now. They said the children are older now, so traveling isn't an issue. They've been living well and wanted to return to repair their ancestors' graves. It's said that when their family was wrongly accused and exiled, even their ancestral graves were destroyed. The last time, when Ma Lu helped the Fang family clear their name, they managed to repair the graves somewhat. But as you know, Ma Lu was seriously injured at the time, and there was only so much he could do. That's why it's taken until now."

Ma Lu had been working with Qi Lie for the past four years and had become one of Qi Lie's right-hand men.

He was a diligent worker, and if it hadn't been for Qi Lie already having loyal subordinates like Cheng Xian, Ma Lu would have quickly risen in rank by now.

Now, working with Qi Lie, he had taken on more responsibilities, and despite not reaching Ma Lu's level, his other brothers were also working efficiently and had become quite motivated.

It was said that all of these brothers had married, and each had started their own families. One of them had even become a father recently.

When Qi Lie wrote to Meng Yunzheng, he mentioned that if these brothers hadn't been forced into becoming bandits and instead had joined the military directly, they might have already risen to higher ranks, perhaps becoming captains or even higher by now.


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