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Chapter 2429: Extra - After Starting a Family

The three of them had left Changjin Prefecture before Shu Yu and the others, so they couldn't travel together.

Shu Yu and her group quickly settled into the inn. Since Meng Han was heavily pregnant, Shu Yu had a few words with her and then had Gan Rui escort her back to rest.

Not long after they left, the members of the convoy began returning one by one.

Huohuo couldn't stay idle in the inn and wanted to go out to play, and little Mengmeng was eager to join as well. Shu Yu was truly amazed by their boundless energy. Fortunately, the students from the academy were also excited to explore the local culture and sights wherever they went, so they were equally spirited to go out and explore.

Shu Yu had Xia Yan and Ying Xi take care of the two kids and follow the group of students.

She took out the account book that Jiang Fengshou had just handed over and began reviewing it. However, in the middle of it, a hearty laugh reached her ears.

Setting aside the account book, Shu Yu looked outside and indeed saw Cheng Xian and Prefect Magistrate Cheng.

Oh, wait, he wasn't Prefect Magistrate anymore.

Lord Cheng original name was Cheng Kangqi. Four years ago, after the events in the southwest, the entire Cheng family was sent back to the capital.

He faced charges of negligence and was detained in prison for several months, enduring considerable hardships.

However, thanks to Qi Lie speaking on his behalf and Meng Yunzheng truthfully reporting their cooperation in capturing the rebels, along with Lord Cheng existing connections in the capital and the intercession of Minister Qi, the Emperor had only stripped him of his position without executing him or exiling him.

Subsequently, he was allowed to return as a commoner to his hometown.

And Cheng Kangqi's hometown was none other than Changjin Prefecture.

In the past, Cheng Feng had been involved in underground activities, and their family had significant connections, which meant that most of their assets had been seized.

By the time Cheng Kangqi returned, all he had left was an old, dilapidated ancestral home.

However, for Cheng Kangqi, avoiding execution and being able to return to his hometown was already an immense stroke of luck.

What if he had to live in an old, decrepit house? Clean it up, and it could still provide shelter and cover from the elements for daily life.

Moreover, Cheng Xian had listened to Meng Yunzheng's advice long ago. With the savings he had accumulated over the years, he had already purchased some farmland and a shop in Changjin Prefecture. Although it was only a dozen acres of land and a single shop, it was enough for the Cheng family to make a living in this place.

Furthermore, the current Prefect of Changjin Prefecture was none other than Minister Qi's nephew.

Back then, when Qi Chan had been exiled to the southwest, Cheng Kangqi had taken good care of him to ensure he suffered as little as possible. He had brought Qi Chan along as his personal secretary.

Qi Chan reciprocated Cheng Kangqi's kindness. Not only did he wholeheartedly assist him during his ordeal, but he also wrote a letter to his nephew, asking him to take care of Cheng Kangqi.

It was thanks to Minister Qi's help that Cheng Kangqi and his family had been able to live relatively well in Changjin Prefecture.

Many people who had suffered because of Cheng Feng and the Cheng family wanted to hold them accountable. They didn't care if Cheng Kangqi and Cheng Feng had acted together; they didn't even care that Cheng Kangqi had also suffered because of Cheng Feng. After all, they both had the Cheng surname, and it was rumored that Cheng Feng had supported him when he was in office.

The Cheng family's doorstep had been smeared with mud and had sewage thrown at it for an entire day. If it hadn't been for Minister Qi's clear stance and his dispatching of government officials to block the angry mob, the Cheng family might have been attacked.

Now, after several years, the Cheng family had gradually started to recover. Cheng Kangqi's wife had even arranged a marriage for Cheng Xian.


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