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Chapter 2423: Extra - Wei Qin and Chang Jiayi

Master Huai'an and Master Hejiang occasionally discussed Meng Yunzheng's talents and couldn't help but feel impressed by his versatility. Even if he didn't become the headmaster, entering the imperial court as an official would undoubtedly have made him a legendary figure.

Leaving aside other matters, with him in charge of the Ministry of Revenue, the national treasury would undoubtedly be overflowing with wealth.

However, Meng Yunzheng wasn't solely focused on amassing wealth. Once the academy had the means, he would also support some underprivileged students, especially those with exceptional talent, whom no one could bear to see go to waste.

Moreover, Meng Yunzheng, along with the two masters, encouraged students to venture out and gain experience.

When they traveled, the academy would provide some financial assistance.

For instance, this time, when the capital held lectures and studies, there would undoubtedly be many scholars and students gathering in the city.

This was a rare opportunity, and Zenglu Academy had secured over twenty spots. It allowed students aged over fifteen, without special circumstances, to join through a lottery system and experience the grandeur of these lectures in the capital.

Meng Yunzheng said that there would be many more opportunities like this in the future. If they didn't get selected this time, there would always be another chance. Because of this, both the teachers and students at the academy had immense respect and trust in Meng Yunzheng, their headmaster.

Meng Yunzheng chatted with Master Hejiang for a while and then walked towards the back.

There stood Song Le, who was talking to his fellow students.

"Where is your mother?" Meng Yunzheng asked.

Song Le, who was nine years old this year, stood out among the students who were mostly fifteen and older. He was being patted on the shoulder by older students, playfully squishing his chubby cheeks.

Seeing Meng Yunzheng approaching, the other students immediately straightened up. Song Le managed to escape their clutches and stepped out of the crowd. He looked up at Meng Yunzheng and said, "My mother is over there, comforting Xiao E."

Meng Yunzheng followed his finger and indeed saw Wei Qin being led by the hem of her clothes by a seven or eight-year-old girl, speaking softly to her.

Xiao E was the daughter of Chang Jiayi, one of the two scholars whom Shu Yu had recruited when she replaced Zhenglu Academy. Back then, Xiao E was only four years old, but she had experienced being abandoned by her mother, mistreated by a neighbor, and then abducted by human traffickers. Consequently, she had become timid and withdrawn.

Although her situation had improved somewhat over the past few years while living with her father, Chang Jiayi, at the academy, compared to the other children, she remained quite timid, like a frightened kitten.

Song Le had also experienced social withdrawal in the past, but under the care of his uncle, aunt, and friends, and due to his earlier hardships occurring before the age of two, he had mostly forgotten them.

When his mother returned, he shed all remnants of timidity and became an outgoing and cheerful child.

However, Xiao E had started to remember things when her hardships occurred. This was why, whenever she saw other students approaching, she would hide away, but she was not as fearful when she saw Song Le.

As a result, Song Le, Xiao E, and Quan Quan, who was always with Song Le, became good friends.

Because of this, Wei Qin and Chang Jiayi, who were the parents on both sides, also got to know each other.

However, both of them were widowed, and one's wife had run away, so as single men and women, they hardly spoke to each other to avoid causing any misunderstandings.


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