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Chapter 2409: Conclusion

After talking about the other family members, Grandma Lu looked at Lu Sanzhu, then quietly withdrew her gaze.

Lu Sanzhu, "..."

He couldn't help but raise his wine glass and stand up, saying, "Mother, what about us? Aren't you going to say anything about us?"

Grandma Lu truly didn't want to say anything and replied, "You've always been quite clever. Among your siblings, you're the most adept at finding shortcuts and avoiding work. I've never worried about you or expected much. But now you have a legitimate job and even bought a house, which is not bad. As for Da Bao, he's studying well and becoming sensible. Bao Ya is obedient and clever. You are luckier than your two brothers and sister."

Lu Sanzhu proudly agreed, and he and Liang Shi didn't feel that Grandma Lu was mocking them.

When she mentioned their luck, she was actually praising them, right?

So, Lu Sanzhu held Liang Shi and their two children and said seriously, "Mother, don't worry, we'll be even luckier in the future. Let's drink to that."

Then, he emptied his glass in one gulp.

Grandma Lu, "..."

Originally, the atmosphere had been somewhat sentimental after Grandma Lu's words, but now everyone couldn't help but smile.

Grandma Lu touched her forehead and finally looked at Lu Sixing, saying, "In recent years, I've been focused on your brothers and sisters, and I haven't paid much attention to you. I'm sorry you've had to endure."

Lu Sixing replied, "No, Mother, you've been good to me already." She wasn't wrong in saying that. Grandma Lu had limited energy, and given the situation with her second brother's family, what more could she have done?

Grandma Lu smiled and said, "Fortunately, your husband is good to you, and he's still working in the government office. Xiao Zhen and Quan Quan are obedient and sensible, and you're hardworking and capable. Your future days will be just fine."

After she finished speaking, she had another drink.

Finally, she looked at Grandma Fang beside her and said, "Cai Xia, with our sisters gathering like this, I'm truly... satisfied."

She raised her glass, saying, "Cheers!"

Everyone stood up, even the children who held their freshly squeezed orange juice in hand, jumped up happily, shouting, "Cheers!"

The Lu family on the eve of the Lunar New Year was livelier than usual.

Perhaps it was because of Grandma Lu's words, but all the brothers and sisters of the Lu family gathered together, reminiscing about the past, talking, eating, and drinking. They all seemed a bit tipsy.

The children, after eating their fill, ran around in the courtyard. It was rare for so many children to gather in one place, and despite the cold weather, they were covered in sweat from their excitement.

As the sky gradually darkened, Shu Yu sat on the porch, sipping warm crucian carp soup, leaning against Meng Yunzheng. It seemed like a vacuum existed in front of them, as no one approached to disturb them.

The children knew that she was pregnant and didn't dare to come and play nearby.

Meng Yunzheng exhaled a breath of white mist, holding her and asking softly, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just feeling... very peaceful, and I really like this kind of life."

She thought that in another world, the little Shu Yu, under the care of her parents, would also be living a happy life.

With a "whoosh," fireworks were lit not far away, bursting in the sky, causing the excited shouts of the children to grow louder...

The main story ends here, and there will be a short epilogue coming up. Those who are interested can take a look.

Love you all.

(End of this Novel)

Translator's note:

My deepest gratitude to all of the avid readers, patrons and supporters who has been with me throughout this translation's journey. At first I started translation because I have read all of the available completed English translated Chinese novels exist and most translated novels is still ongoing with 2 chapters Daily updates I have been reading Chinese novels since I was 12 years old and its been 11 yrs now! some novels took me 3yrs to finish reading and some took me days, weeks and months.

This journey is truly unexpected never in my wildest dream that someone will supports this novel on patreon this leads from just a hobby to become a full-time opportunities and I can't help myself but to produce more chapters Daily as a token of my appreciation for your supports. I hope your pledges are worth it 👌 I truly work hard for it.

Your pledges is truly a big supports of this novel without your support this won't be completed in just 4 months 😊 thank you so much everyone❤

This novel will have price increase very soon so I suggest everyone to cancel your membership before December so that you won'tbe charged by the increased price. I move the upcoming price increase in December to give time to other patrons in exchange for that those patrons who has been a member of Full-level tier for more than 3 months will receive membership refunds for my new novel project meaning if you have been a member of this tier for 3 months or so and then you pledges for my new project you will be refunded for your first month.


Eternal Novel Hits

This is not the last Chapter I am just quite emotional right now hehehe will updates other chapters later


The union cutting ninjas appeared quite a bit the last few chapters, great work on finishing the main story😊