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Chapter 2401: Agreement to Become Part of the Family

Shu Zhao widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Brother, this can't be."

Shu Quan gave her a stern look and said, "Foolish girl, can you let me finish? I know that these days, having a grown man become part of another family is something most people can't accept. However, your situation is unique. If your husband enters our family, your child will bear the Shu surname, and the child will have a clean record. In the future, they can run their own business, participate in the imperial examinations, and handle marriage matters easily. This is about the well-being of your future generations. Do you understand?"

Shu Zhao was stunned, and she realized that she needed to consider not only her own well-being but also that of her child and future descendants.

Shu Quan looked at them and continued, "Of course, I'm just suggesting this. It's something for you to discuss among yourselves. Brother-in-law, you should also discuss this with your mother and sister. We wouldn't want any future issues to arise. If it's feasible, take some time to go to Heichang County and get it done. If not, then... we'll leave it at that."

In reality, Shu Quan wanted to say that if it wasn't feasible, they could choose to separate. He could take his sister and niece back to Jincheng Prefecture. Now that they had clean records, he felt that Gu Xinghua was no longer worthy of his sister.

Gu Xinghua lifted his head and took a deep breath. "Alright, I agree."

Shu Quan was surprised. "Don't you need to discuss this with your mother and sister?"

Gu Xinghua, who had a daughter in his arms, looked at her and said, "When we return to Heichang County, we'll talk to my mother. She'll agree. Having a clean record is better than being labeled a criminal. It's better for our child and future generations."

Shu Quan let out a sigh of relief. "As long as you're fine with it. If you find it difficult to accept the idea of becoming part of our family, it's enough that your family knows about it. There's no need to explain it to others."

Gu Xinghua smiled. "In our situation, many men have become part of other families. There are several households in Zhengdao Village where the husband has entered the wife's family. If people want to gossip, let them. It's just rumors. We shouldn't give up the opportunity for our child to have a clean record because of that."

"Exactly, that's the right way to think."

With no objections, Shu Quan decided not to say anything more. He patted Shu Zhao's shoulder. "Alright, get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow."

Shu Zhao nodded.

However, that night, Shu Zhao took her daughter and went to sleep in Second Madam's room.

Second Madam couldn't bear to part with her and kept reminiscing about the good old days.

The next day, Shu Zhao, holding her daughter, came to bid farewell with Gu Xinghua.

When the front caravan began to depart, and Shu Quan's group, who was at the rear, was about to leave, Shu Zhao suddenly placed a purse into the carriage.

"Mother, brother, they say that a poor family has a rich road ahead. We have food and shelter in the store, and we have stable work. We don't need to spend much money anymore. You'll need money for your journey, and when you reach Jincheng Prefecture, you'll need to buy a house. My husband and I found our employers last night and received half a year's wages in advance. Take this with you and take care in the future."

"Eh, you..." Second Madam was about to return the purse but was stopped by Shu Quan. "It's a small token of appreciation from younger sister and her husband. We do need the money."


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