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Chapter 2398: Traveling Together to the Capital

Of course, there were other considerations for Fang Xiyue's parents.

Although Ma Lu was traveling with his brothers, they were all inexperienced in many aspects, and they had no family members traveling with them. Fang Xiyue was accompanied by her child, and traveling with the entire Xu family provided some companionship.

Lin Shi had experience in taking care of children, so Fang Xiyue, a new mother, wouldn't be left helpless.

The Xu family also thought it was a good idea. Their family of three didn't have much time or energy to spare, and Xu Zhensheng was still recovering from his injuries. While he had the enthusiasm to get back to work at the Grand Court of Justice, it would be challenging, and he couldn't handle other tasks.

Having Ma Lu and his brothers traveling with them would provide some peace of mind.

After discussing it, both families decided to set out the day after tomorrow.

Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng exchanged glances and said, "In that case, we'll stay for an extra day and travel with you."

The prospect delighted the others. Shu Yu smiled and continued, "Although we're returning to Dong'an Prefecture, there's a stretch of the journey we'll share. Moreover, it's a rare opportunity. How about we take a slight detour to our home, where I can extend my hospitality? You can rest for two days and continue your journey north. How does that sound?"

The Xu and Fang families thought it was a good idea. They wouldn't need to hire their own escorts, and they could travel with the Lu Ji caravan.

Furthermore, as first-time visitors to the capital, they were unfamiliar with the city, and some were feeling anxious. Along the way, they could ask Shu Yu about the situation in the capital.

Especially Xu Dali, who was curious about the Prime Minister of the Court of Justice, Minister Jing, who was going to be Xu Zhensheng's superior.

With the plans settled, Fang Xiyue, despite her reluctance to part from her parents, found solace in the thought that they would be reunited soon.

As they discussed the details, Shu Quan, who had been standing nearby watching, hesitated before finally saying, "Princess, how about... we also set out the day after tomorrow? We're heading to the same place as well."

Shu Yu glanced at him with a teasing smile. "Whatever suits you. Just remember, you'll have to take care of your own food, clothing, and lodging. We won't be responsible for you."

Even if she disagreed, if Shu's family followed behind them, it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Shu Quan quickly agreed, assuring them, "No problem, we'll manage everything ourselves."

He didn't dare to impose on them. Fortunately, the Emperor had rewarded them with silver, and tomorrow they would buy a mule carriage. They would follow behind on their own.

Everyone was quite pleased with the arrangement. Aunt Fang eagerly proposed, "Since we're setting out the day after tomorrow, how about we have a get-together tonight, have a meal together? Opportunities like this are rare."

She turned to Steward Yu. "Steward Yu, our home is too small. Could we borrow the estate to invite several families we have good relationships with to join us for a meal?"

"Of course, you can." Supervisor Yu was delighted to assist. Not only was Princess Lu here, but even if she weren't, the future held promising prospects for Xu Zhensheng at the Grand Court of Justice and Ma Lu and his brothers working with Lord Qi. Building good relationships now would undoubtedly be beneficial.

With a confirmation, Aunt Fang, Lin Shi, and Ying Xi went to the county town to buy food for the meal.

The Shu family didn't join in. They didn't have much money left, and expenses on the road were significant. They needed funds for their future settlement, so they decided to save money and not contribute to the joint meal with the Xu and Fang families.


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