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Chapter 2391: What Will Happen to Cheng Jiatong

Tao Hongdan sighed, "Shuxian, you're still young, there's no rush to make decisions like this. We've spent several years in the black market, and we've grown tired of men. But you're different, there's no need for you to suffer with us."

In this day and age, it wasn't easy for women to live independently. They had experienced a lot, and that's why they had established the independent women's household to rely on their own ideas in the future.

Kang Shuxian, on the other hand, had only been fourteen years old when she was taken to the black market by Pat Hua Zi. Due to her young age, a girl who was with Third manager Guan at the time saw her innocence and kindness, so he took her in as a little maid and didn't make her serve customers.

After leaving the black market, Kang Shuxian returned home. However, she hadn't expected that her parents and siblings, who had always doted on her, wouldn't believe that she still had her innocence intact after a year in the black market. They wanted her to take her own life to save the Kang family's reputation.

Unable to bear it, Kang Shuxian's heart was broken by her family's disbelief, and that's why she followed Tao Hongdan and the others to the southwest, vowing never to marry.

Tao Hongdan and the others had taken her in like a sister, and since she was still young, they figured her thoughts might change someday.

Originally, they thought they would take it slow and not rush her into a decision. But now, things were different. Tao Hongdan could imagine how much trouble they would face trying to establish themselves independently in the future. There would be many rogues and local bosses targeting them.

They didn't mind, but Kang Shuxian was young and had a simple mind. In case...

With County Princess Wen'an here now, if she could help Shuxian find someone reliable, it would be better than going through all this with them.

After listening to Tao Hongdan's words, Shu Yu remained silent, but Kang Shuxian was strongly against it, and she didn't want to agree.

Both sides were somewhat at odds.

Shu Yu could only say, "This matter depends on her; I won't make a decision fo1r her without her consent. You should consider your plans for the future first. It's getting late; I'll take you to the inn for some rest. You've suffered a lot in prison. Have a good meal and a good night's sleep before making any decisions."

The others had no objections; they were indeed quite exhausted.

Shu Yu took them to the inn where they had been staying. Their clothes and belongings were still in their original residence, but during the search, everything had been tossed around, so they needed to tidy up and wash things before continuing to wear them.

Therefore, Ying Xi went to buy several sets of new clothes for them. After they had taken a bath and eaten, they finally went to bed.

Shu Yu told Wei Qin about seeing Cheng Jiatong in prison, and after a moment of silence, she asked, "What will her fate be?"

Shu Yu pondered for a moment and replied, "It's hard to say. Her situation probably won't lead to execution, but she might be exiled, sold as a slave, or..."

 "Cheng Wenbao will definitely be executed. Don't worry; your revenge will come soon."

Wei Qin smiled and continued, "I know he won't have a good ending. But now, I don't care about them. I just want to recover quickly and go back to see Lele."

"Yes, he will be overjoyed to see you."

Tao Hongdan and the others rested for a night, and they felt much better the next morning.

Around noon, after discussing their plans for the future, they came to Shu Yu and said, "During this time, we've been making a living through embroidery. Among us, the most skilled is Zhi You's delicate embroidery, and it can fetch a high price. Ah Ru is a great cook, but He Fang said that the chefs outside are all men, and Ah Ru, being young and beautiful, might find it inconvenient. So we didn't take on other jobs, and He Fang helped us sell our embroidery. We think the prices are good, so we've decided to continue with this for now."


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