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Chapter 2389: No, You Are Not Innocent

Shu Yu paused in her tracks and turned to look at the adjacent cell.

Near the cell door, a woman with disheveled hair shouted towards her. When she saw Shu Yu turning her head, she eagerly pushed her hair aside, revealing her gaunt and haggard face. Anxiously, she said, "County Princess, County Princess, do you remember me?"

Shu Yu squinted her eyes, and the official standing nearby frowned, "What's with the commotion..."

Shu Yu raised her hand, and the official immediately fell silent.

"Are you... Cheng Jiatong?"

"Yes, it's me. County Princess, you have a good memory." Jinlin tried to please her with a smile.

Shu Yu took a few steps forward to stand in front of her and examined her for a moment.

During this time, Cheng Jiatong had obviously suffered a lot. When Shu Yu saw her at the beginning of last year, she was a proud young lady, adorned with jewelry and looking very prosperous.

Now, she was so thin that the veins on her hands were protruding, and there were scars on her face. She appeared exceptionally disheveled.

Shu Yu shifted her gaze slightly and saw another woman in the same cell as Cheng Jiatong. When the woman raised her head, Shu Yu recognized her as He Fang, the one who had lured Kang Shuxian and the others into this situation.

He Fang glanced at Shu Yu but remained silent, her expression calm. She should be well aware of her fate and, therefore, remained composed. She had also tidied herself up neatly within the cell.

"County Princess, I'm innocent. I didn't know anything about those things. I've never even heard of rebels or the black market. I'm just like those girls, wrongfully implicated. County Princess, please save me."

Shu Yu finally spoke, "Whether you're innocent or not and whether you knew about those things doesn't matter. You are a member of the Cheng family. Your father and brother are working for the rebels, and no one from the Cheng family can escape the connection."

Cheng Jiatong hesitated to speak, "But..."

"Your family benefited from your father and brother's actions, gaining wealth, power, and influence at Changjin Prefecture. You enjoyed these benefits, and even used them to your advantage. That's why you are not innocent."

"I'm not... I haven't... Waaah..." Cheng Jiatong burst into tears, sitting on the ground in despair.

Shu Yu looked down at her with no trace of sympathy. Cheng Jiatong had actively pursued harming Meng Han's reputation by conspiring with the rebels. She had even tried to force Wei Qin to sign a contract selling her body during their journey and had a habit of bullying others.

She had done all these things willingly and skillfully. Without the Cheng family's support, would she have dared?

Shu Yu turned away and glanced at the adjacent cell instead.

Coincidentally, she saw Madam Shu and her daughter from the Shu family, who had also been detained here?

Upon further thought, it made sense. Qingxuan County was the location of the black market, where most arrests took place. Major figures like Shu Feng, Cheng Wenbao, and others would be held separately. However, their family members were mostly detained here. Due to the large number of detainees, many cells were overcrowded.

The guards at Qingxuan County's jail were also the strictest.

Madam Shu and her daughter looked mentally drained. When they saw Shu Yu, they wished they could bury their heads.

Shu Yu smiled. Perhaps Cheng Jiatong didn't know anything about what had happened, but this mother and daughter were definitely know. They were not wrongfully accused. Fortunately, when they were arrested, Wu Shi had exerted a lot of effort and had been pardoned. She had managed to divorce from Shu Feng successfully.


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