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Chapter 2379: Meng Yunzheng's Advice

Of course, Shu Yu agreed more with Prefect Magistrate Cheng decision. She glanced at Meng Yunzheng and said to Prefect Magistrate Cheng, "Let me have a private chat with Cheng Xian and try to persuade him."

Prefect Magistrate Cheng nodded eagerly because he had been unable to convince Cheng Xian.

However, Cheng Xian frowned and began to speak, "Young Master Meng, there's no need to persuade me. I've made up my mind, and when..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Meng Yunzheng took him by the shoulder and started leading him toward the door. "Don't rush, listen to me for a moment."

Cheng Xian's injuries had mostly healed under Zhao Xi's care, but they hadn't fully recovered. How could he resist Meng Yun Zheng's strength? In no time, he found himself at the doorway.

Meng Yunzheng leaned against a pillar under the gallery. "I have a suggestion for you. Would you like to hear it?"

"Master Meng, your advice won't change my mind," Cheng Xian replied.

Ignoring his response, Meng Yun Zheng continued, "We all know the situation very well. The Cheng family is in trouble this time, especially because there's a relative in the black market who holds significant influence. After Cheng Wenbao and his sister were arrested, they implicated others from the Cheng family. So if something happens to Prefect Magistrate Cheng in the future, who will be able to help and support him or his children? If you truly want to remain loyal, you might consider separating yourself first. With your abilities, you are bound to achieve something when you venture outside. Then, when the Cheng family faces difficulties, you can go back to help them. Wouldn't that be better?"

Cheng Xian was taken aback by Meng Yunzheng's words. He realized that he had never thought of preparing an escape route for Prefect Magistrate Cheng and the others.

Meng Yunzheng's words were like an awakening, making Cheng Xian suddenly aware of the problem.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Xian bowed slightly to Meng Yunzheng and said, "Thank you very much, Young Master Meng. I understand what to do now."

He returned to the main hall, where Prefect Magistrate Cheng was conversing with Shu Yu. Seeing Cheng Xian's return with a refreshed expression, Prefect Magistrate Cheng was slightly surprised.

In the next moment, Cheng Xian knelt down and said, "Master, I understand your intentions. I will follow your instructions."

Prefect Magistrate Cheng was truly astonished this time. Meng Yunzheng and Cheng Xian had only been gone for a short while. How had they managed to resolve things in just three sentences?

He couldn't help but look at Meng Yunzheng, wondering what he had said to Cheng Xian. Regardless, if they had persuaded Cheng Xian, that was a relief.

With Cheng Xian's matter settled, Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng discussed the selection of the shop's manager. Cheng Daren was unfamiliar with these matters, but Cheng Xian had been handling external affairs for a long time and had interacted with various people, so he suggested a few candidates, explaining their backgrounds and personalities. He also wrote recommendation letters for them.

If Cheng Xian's injuries had fully healed, he would have personally taken them to meet these candidates. But for now, Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng held the lists of recommended candidates and went to visit them.

The first candidate reacted oddly upon seeing Cheng Xian's recommendation letter, and before Shu Yu and Meng Yun Zheng could introduce themselves, he claimed he already had other plans and politely declined. Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng, both astute individuals, knew that this candidate had likely guessed that the Cheng family might face trouble, and he didn't want to be caught up in it.

However, this candidate indeed possessed the qualities Cheng Xian had described: shrewdness, a sharp sense of timing, and his own hidden agenda. He was highly perceptive of many things.

With the first candidate eliminated, Shu Yu and Meng Yunzheng quickly moved on to the second.


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