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Chapter 2373: Matricide

After being imprisoned, the young princess suffered a terrible shock, and shortly after arriving at the separate residence, she fell seriously ill and passed away. The Second Prince's consort was heartbroken and soon followed her daughter.

In the eyes of outsiders, the young princess was the only child of the Second Prince for so many years, and the Second Prince's consort was the wife he deeply loved.

The successive deaths of the two shocked everyone, appearing as a tragic story of the mortal realm. Thus, when the Second Prince met an unexpected death in the separate residence, no one suspected that he would fake his death and escape. Everyone believed it was the result of his despair, and no one doubted his true death.

So when he and the Third Prince joined forces in rebellion at the end of last year, it came as a shock to the entire court.

As for the family of the Second Prince's consort, they had assisted the Second Prince in many secretive matters in the past, and when the previous emperor dealt with the Second Prince, they naturally couldn't escape.

It was a pity that this whole family had sacrificed their lives for the Second Prince, but little did they know that he had long kept several women outside, including such a grown-up son.

Yuan Ye was indeed the only child of the Second Prince, even though he was born from an extramarital affair. Nevertheless, he was protected and cared for as he grew up.

Even though the Second Prince had been defeated, his subordinates had not mistreated Yuan Ye. Yuan Ye's mother had been forcibly taken by the Second Prince. Two years ago, when she learned of the Second Prince's rebellion and arrest, she and her son had already left the capital.

Yuan Ye's mother saw this as an opportunity to escape from the Second Prince's side, and she wanted to flee with her son. However, Yuan Ye had become accustomed to having people wait on him. He believed that his father had not failed but was simply biding his time. When his father rose again in the future, he would become a prince and the future heir to the throne.

Such a future was something he wanted.

Faced with his mother's strong desire to take him away, Yuan Ye felt that she was just a bothersome obstacle. Afterward, when his mother wasn't paying attention, he killed her.

At that time, Yuan Ye was only about ten years old. Some might argue that he was already mature at that age, while others might say it was impossible for him not to be mature. Yuan Ye's matricide shocked the people who had been taking care of him. They even began to fear him. How could someone, around the age of ten, be capable of harming his own mother, who had been his sole source of support? How cruel could he be?

However, they couldn't simply abandon Yuan Ye. He was the Second Prince's only heir, and if anything happened to him, none of them would survive. Moreover, there were a few who believed in the concept of "a snake will always bite when it's not venomous." Yuan Ye, at such a young age, had displayed such ruthlessness, making them wonder if he could be burdened by emotions.

After some discussions among the influential figures of the southwestern black market, they brought Yuan Ye, using the guise of banished convicts, to the village of Zhengdao. This was done to conceal their identities and to temper Yuan Ye's character.

These details were disclosed by the people from Zhengdao Village who were captured.

Among those captured individuals, there were indeed a few who were well aware of Yuan Ye's identity.

With that said, Qi Lie smiled, "After Liu Jie and Yuan Ye escaped, their tracks pointed in several directions. We couldn't find them for a while. But now that you've captured them, it's perfect. I need him, and you can hand him over to me."

"Of course."

When Qi Lie mentioned needing him, he meant using Yuan Ye to restrain the deputy commander of the stationed troops.

Speaking of the stationed troops, Meng Yun Zheng whispered, "I heard that General Shen's whereabouts are unknown. Do you have any clues about him?"

Qi Lie nodded, "General Shen has been rescued, but he's still seriously injured."


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