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Chapter 2360: Persuasion Turned into an Insider

Cheng Wu looked at the letter in Rong Hou's hand and asked, "Steward Rong, what does the letter say?"

Rong Hou handed the letter to him, and after reading it, Cheng Wu was astonished. "How could this be?"

"What do you think?" Rong Hou inquired.

Cheng Wu lowered his head in thought for a moment, then leaned closer to Rong Hou and whispered a few words in his ear. Rong Hou nodded in agreement. "Let's do as you suggested. Come on, let's go check on them."

The two of them headed towards the courtyard where Prefect Magistrate Cheng was being held. Shu Yu had already woken up, and the guards had brought breakfast.

However, Zhao Xi shook his head and said, "This food has been tampered with."

Prefect Magistrate Cheng explained, "Earlier, Cheng Xian and the others tried to escape and send a message. Although they didn't succeed, the other side, to be on the safe side, has been tampering with our food. It weakened our strength considerably. It's fine for normal activities, but if we want to break out, it's impossible."

This was also the reason they weren't bound. Prefect Magistrate Cheng had some martial skills himself, and his three sons, despite their mediocre martial abilities, had all been trained in martial arts since childhood.

Shu Yu looked at the food in front of her and furrowed her brows slightly, feeling reluctant to eat it.

The members of the Cheng family were accustomed to it, but they also didn't want to eat it. However, not eating it left them weaker.

Just as Shu Yu was hesitating, the door suddenly swung open, and outside stood Cheng Wu and Rong Hou.

Cheng Wu smiled and said, "Can't eat? I advise you to eat as soon as possible. We'll give you some news shortly, and I'm afraid it will ruin your appetite even more."

Prefect Magistrate Cheng coldly snorted and Zhao Xi asked, "What news? Why does it sound so unappetizing?"

Cheng Wu replied, "..."

He scoffed, "General Shen has already died, and now the 20,000 stationed troops in the southwest are all under our control."

Prefect Magistrate Cheng was shocked, stumbling back two steps in disbelief as he stared at them. "That's impossible."

Cheng Wu tossed a whistle to him. This was something General Shen had always kept with him. It was a whistle he would never part with unless something happened. Prefect Magistrate Cheng was well aware of this fact.

He immediately fell to the ground, breathless.

"Magistrate Cheng."



Zhao Xi hurried forward to provide first aid. Rong Hou looked at Shu Yu and said, "County Princess, it's time to visit the Dongqing Temple Master again. You've had a whole night to think it over."

Shu Yu's lips tightened, her expression serious.

She didn't know if Cheng Wu's information was accurate, but if it was, the situation was deteriorating in the worst possible direction.

She gave a reassuring look to the members of the Cheng family and followed Rong Hou out.

After a few steps, Rong Hou suddenly whispered, taking advantage of the lack of people around, "General Shen is fine, he's just missing."

Shu Yu was momentarily stunned and looked at him.

However, Rong Hou had already walked briskly ahead.

Shu Yu's lips curled slightly. It seemed that Rong Hou had figured things out even faster than she had imagined.

Reaching the entrance of the Dongqing Temple Master's courtyard, Rong Hou suddenly added, "The concubine in Prefect Magistrate Cheng's room, Lady Wang, is one of our people."

Shu Yu raised an eyebrow. As expected, there was an insider in Prefect Magistrate Cheng's room as well.

Since Rong Hou understood the situation so well, Shu Yu wouldn't disappoint him.

"Rong Hou, rest assured, there will be rewards for your achievements."

With that, she entered the courtyard of the Dongqing Temple Master.


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