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Chapter 2358: Rong Hou's Temptation

Rong Hou found it quite amusing. He had been trying to convince Meng Yunzheng to serve his own brother just moments ago, and now, Meng Yunzheng's wife seemed to have set her sights on him.

He stood up and said, "County Princess Lu, you underestimate me."

"I'm not underestimating you. You've captured my master, captured Prefect Magistrate Cheng, and even captured my husband and me. Who would dare say you lack capability? I'm only lamenting that someone as talented as you would choose a dead-end path and risk your life for nothing. Isn't that a pity?" Shu Yu replied.

Rong Hou's fingers tightened slightly, and he let out a soft sigh.

Shu Yu continued, "Steward Rong, please consider this carefully. While I may be just a humble County Princess, my husband still holds sway with the Emperor. If you were to switch allegiances, achieve great deeds, and gain favor with the Emperor, you would undoubtedly receive rewards. Steward Rong, think about your family. What are your ambitions? Is it for your own aspirations, for your family to live better lives, or to bring honor to your family name?"

Rong Hou's breath caught for a moment, but he quickly sneered and turned to leave.

"County Princess, you should think about your own situation first," he remarked before pushing open the door and instructing the guards outside, "Keep an eye on them."

"Yes, sir."

As Rong Hou walked away, he was followed by Cheng Wu, who asked, "What did the Lady say?"

"What else could she say? She was trying to extract information from me and even advised me not to persist in the wrong path, claiming that we couldn't compete with them. Hmph..." Rong Hou scoffed, shaking his head.

Cheng Wu followed along and simply smiled. He had no knowledge of the Dongqing Temple Master's divination statement, so he couldn't understand the turmoil in Rong Hou's heart at the moment.

Nevertheless, Shu Yu felt a lot more relaxed. The Dongqing Temple Master opened her eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to come up with such an idea."

"I didn't expect to encounter him either."

From the moment she saw Rong Hou, Shu Yu's mind had been racing.

She had briefly met Rong Hou in Jiangyuan County's black market, albeit in a hurry. However, her uncle, Yuan Shanchuan, had dealings with him. Yuan Shanchuan had nearly lost his life due to Rong Hou's greed for a painting he possessed, which Rong Hou forcefully seized.

Because of this incident, Rong Hou was transferred away from the black market in Jiangyuan County and replaced by manager Guo.

This suggested that Rong Hou was a person who coveted immediate benefits, lacked vision for the bigger picture, and couldn't see beyond his own interests. Such a person, when faced with the realization of a hopeless future, might be persuaded.

Additionally, manager Guo, the former steward from the black market in Jiangyuan County, had gone on to become the Fifth manager in Changjin Prefecture's black market, quickly establishing himself there.

However, Rong Hou had been exiled to the southwestern region, which was undoubtedly less prosperous compared to Changjin Prefecture. Otherwise, when the Second Prince rebelled in the past, they wouldn't have considered the southwestern region as a backup, while the managers of the Changjin Prefecture's black market were divided, with half going to the capital.

Over the years, Rong Hou seemed not to have attained a high position in the black market. Despite being older than manager Guo, his abilities fell short.

So, Shu Yu thought that persuading him was worth a try. Even if he didn't change his mind immediately, at the very least, she would plant a seed of doubt in his mind. Who knew when that seed might sprout?

The Dongqing Temple Master glanced at Shu Yu and commented, "Judging by his countenance, there seems to be some change in him."


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