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Chapter 2355: Meeting with the Master

In fact, Prefect Magistrate Cheng had given a signal to the person he met, but he wasn't sure if the person had understood his message. It was their first meeting, and they weren't familiar with each other.

If the other person was clever, they would report back to General Shen. If they couldn't discern his message, General Shen would be in danger.

These thoughts made Prefect Magistrate Cheng increasingly anxious. He wasn't afraid of death, but he was concerned that his death would be meaningless if he couldn't relay the message.

Moreover, there was another concerning aspect.

"The people from the black market not only want those two thousand soldiers, but they also want many prisoners from the Southwest. This region is a place of exile, filled with the worst criminals. They are taking advantage of the fact that the Emperor won't grant a general amnesty, trying to recruit these people and strengthen their own forces," Shu Yu explained.

"They used similar methods when they were in Changjin Prefecture," Shu Yu added. However, their efforts in Changjin Prefecture had yielded minimal results. Still, in a place of exile like this, many people hoped for a chance at amnesty. Now that amnesty was no longer an option, those who had committed crimes would be forced to work as laborers for the rest of their lives, and their descendants would carry the stigma of their ancestors' crimes, perpetually treated as second-class citizens.

At this point, Prefect Magistrate Cheng feared that the situation was taking a turn for the worst. "If they have truly recruited so many people, then the Southwest will become their domain."

Shu Yu remained silent. She hadn't yet figured out why they had only captured Prefect Magistrate Cheng and left her. What was the purpose of keeping Meng Yunzheng separately?

While Shu Yu was lost in thought, the door was suddenly opened.

Everyone in the room turned to look at the doorway, where they saw Cheng Wu standing. The members of Cheng's household glared at him.

Cheng Wu didn't pay them any mind and looked at Shu Yu, smiling as he spoke, "County Princess Wen'an, please accompany us."

"Where are you going?" Ying Xi and Xia Yan immediately stood in front of Shu Yu, ready to act if necessary.

Cheng Wu smiled and replied, "County Princess, you mentioned wanting to meet with the Master of Dongqing Temple, didn't you? The temple Master is waiting for you."

Upon hearing this, Shu Yu pushed aside Ying Xi and Xia Yan and said to Cheng Wu, "Lead the way."

Ying Xi was still concerned. "Miss, I'll go with you."

Cheng Wu chuckled, "Only the County Princess herself may go."

Shu Yu patted Ying Xi's shoulder and said, "You stay here. I'll be back soon."

With that, to the worried gazes of Ying Xi and the others, Shu Yu followed Cheng Wu out.

This time, they didn't tie her hands. After all, her weapons had been taken away, and Cheng Wu, as a trusted guard of Cheng Xian, was a highly skilled martial artist.

Cheng Wu led Shu Yu out of the courtyard and walked about thirty meters to the left, where another courtyard awaited them.

This courtyard was slightly smaller than the previous one, but the windows and doors of the buildings inside were similarly sealed shut. The level of security appeared even higher.

Upon entering the courtyard, Shu Yu stood in front of the building. Cheng Wu unlocked the door and pushed it open.

Inside the room, Shu Yu immediately spotted the Dongqing Temple Master sitting cross-legged on a couch, resting with her eyes closed.

Her eyes brightened, and she took a few steps forward, saying, "Master."

Dongqing Temple Master opened her eyes and, upon seeing Shu Yu, was momentarily taken aback. Then, she sighed softly, "So, you've truly come."

Cheng Wu closed the door behind Shu Yu. In the spacious room, only the two of them remained.


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