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Chapter 2350: All Tied Up

Ma Lu looked at everything in astonishment, unable to believe what was happening. He spoke in disbelief, "Guard Cheng Wu, what does this mean?"

Cheng Wu ignored Ma Lu and turned to Meng Yunzheng and Shu Yu. He said, "I advise you to surrender and not make any unnecessary movements. Otherwise, you'll get to taste the feeling of ten thousand arrows piercing your hearts."

His gaze bypassed Xia Yan, who had drawn a sword, and Ying Xi, who held a whip, and his lips curled into a threatening smile as he spoke.

Shu Yu and her companions were not surprised by this turn of events. Compared to Ma Lu's shock, their expressions showed only a brief moment of surprise before quickly returning to calm.

Cheng Wu raised an eyebrow, impressed by their composure. "County Princess, Lord Meng, your calmness is indeed rare."

Meng Yunzheng scanned the large courtyard and chuckled. "Is it not overkill to have so many people against the few of us?"

Cheng Wu responded, "Young Master Meng, you're underestimating your abilities. We dare not underestimate you."

"Might this action of Guard Cheng Wu be at the order of Prefect Magistrate Cheng? Suddenly attacking us like this, it seems that Prefect Magistrate Cheng has joined forces with the Black Market?" Shu Yu inquired.

Cheng Wu smiled but remained silent. Then, with a wave of his hand, several people stepped forward with ropes.

"Young Master Meng, County Princess Lu, please put down your weapons."

"Don't even think about it," Ma Lu's face turned pale. He still didn't fully grasp what had happened, but he was certain that he stood with Shu Yu.

However, as soon as he raised his knife, two arrows were shot at them from a distance.

Meng Yunzheng grabbed Ma Lu's arm and pulled him back a couple of steps, narrowly avoiding the two arrows.

Ma Lu was startled and looked towards the rooftop.

Cheng Wu remarked, "I've said it, don't make any rash movements, or these arrows won't spare you."

Ma Lu examined the two arrows lying on the ground. If Meng Yunzheng hadn't pulled him back earlier, these two arrows would have pierced his throat. Cheng Wu had truly intended to take his life.

Meng Yunzheng whispered, "Don't act impulsively."

Ma Lu gritted his teeth, his eyes turning red. "I'm sorry, I've brought trouble upon you." It was he who personally invited the two of them to come, thinking it was just a friendly visit to the Prefect Magistrate's Mansion. He never expected that it would lead to such a perilous situation.

Shu Yu comforted him, "It's not your fault. Even if you hadn't come, someone else would have invited us."

In truth, it was they who had implicated Ma Lu.

With those two arrows, Meng Yunzheng was the first to draw the soft sword from his waist and toss it on the ground.

Cheng Wu smiled satisfactorily and looked at the others. The remaining people reluctantly put down their weapons.

Soon, several men and women approached, searched them, removed the sleeve arrows from Shu Yu's wrists, and confiscated the vials of medicine from Zhao Xi.

After confirming that they were indeed unarmed, they were bound with ropes.

Shu Yu, feeling uncomfortable, shifted her wrists, and one of the women applied less force when tying her hands. She couldn't help but complain, "It's too tight. Are you trying to strangle me?"

"You..." The woman, feeling frustrated, raised her hand as if to strike Shu Yu.

Cheng Wu frowned. "Stop."

He signaled to the woman, who reluctantly reduced the force when tying Shu Yu's hands.

Very well, Shu Yu and her companions understood that Cheng Wu currently didn't want to engage in hostilities with them. It seemed their suspicions were correct; these people indeed intended to use them for something.

After they were all securely tied up, a few individuals escorted them to the backyard, leaving only Meng Yunzheng behind.


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