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Chapter 2186: Collecting All Five Scholarships

In reality, everything that needed to be prepared had been done well in advance, but Shu Yu was still nervous and double-checked everything as soon as she heard that someone would be coming to deliver the good news.

After all, this was the title of "top scholar." Meng Yunzheng had previously achieved the title of "scholar of the four elements," and now he had achieved the title of "scholar of the five elements."

If he were to maintain his top position in the palace examination, he would be titled the "scholar of the six elements."

Zhao Xi and Shu You had analyzed the situation beforehand. They believed that Meng Yunzheng's knowledge was solid, and if he didn't make any mistakes during the palace examination, even if his essay was only average, there was a high probability he would secure the top spot.

After all, people who achieved the title of "scholar of the six elements" were extremely rare throughout history. If such a talent emerged during the emperor's reign, it would be recorded in history, a highly honorable achievement. Wouldn't the emperor also want to promote a scholar who excelled so greatly?

The entire family had received advance notice of Meng Yunzheng's performance. Firecrackers were ready, and the pouch filled with money for the examiners was bulging.

They didn't have to wait long before they heard the commotion outside the door.

Soon, children from the neighborhood came running, their faces flushed with excitement. "Master Meng, Master Meng, you've passed the spring imperial examination! Hurry out, the examiners are here."

This child was the first to reach the Meng family's doorstep, hoping to be the bearer of good news. Little did he know that the Meng family was already standing by the door.

Seeing how excited the child was, Xia Yan gave him a piece of candy.

The child became even happier. "Master Meng, you're amazing!"

Soon, others, both adults and children, came running. In an instant, the entrance was crowded with people, but they knew to leave a path for the examiners to enter.

"Master Meng, you're now a scholar!"

Someone shouted loudly.

Little did he know that as soon as he finished speaking, the examiner's voice rang out with laughter. "Master Meng isn't just a scholar; he's the top scholar of this year's spring imperial examination, the first-place scholar!"

A gasp of surprise swept through the surrounding crowd, and they were all left stunned.

The examiners had already reached the gate of the Meng family's courtyard and knocked on the copper gong. "Congratulations to Master Meng for achieving the top score in the Emperial examination, securing the first place."

With that, the examiners respectfully presented the good news and offered their congratulations once again.

Hearing the affirmation, the people in the crowd were even more excited than the Meng family. It was as if the top scholar were their own family member.

"He actually got the top spot. I heard that Master Meng also ranked first in the prefectural examination earlier."

"You're behind on the news. Master Meng has been the top scorer in every exam he's taken."

"He's a genius."

As the crowd looked at Meng Yunzheng with awe-stricken eyes, it was as if they saw him as more than just an ordinary person, almost like he was transcending into immortality.

Meng Yunzheng, on the other hand, remained calm. After receiving the good news, he handed over two bulging pouches that had been prepared in advance to the examiners.

"Thank you for making the trip."

The examiners felt the weight of the pouches and their eyes lit up.

Seeing Meng Yunzheng's composed expression, the two examiners exchanged glances. They were truly impressed by Master Meng's demeanor. Even upon securing the top spot, he remained calm and unruffled. When he achieved high honors in the palace examination, he would undoubtedly secure a prominent position in the court in the future.

Once the examiners left, others immediately crowded around to offer their congratulations.

Zhao Xi brought out firecrackers and lit them outside. The crackling sounds filled the air as Shu Yu and Shu You distributed candy to the children gathered at the gate, eventually scattering it all.

Amid the lively commotion, Meng Yunzheng apologized and closed the courtyard gate, which meant that many people who had heard the news were left outside.


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