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Chapter 736: They're Holding Hands

Shu Yu felt that this attendant was a bit unreliable.

Unexpectedly, Meng Yunzheng shook his head. "No, he's not. He lost a bet to me and agreed to follow me for three years."

Shu Yu thought, indeed, he seemed unreliable.

"So, what year is it now?"

"The third year."

Shu Yu asked, "Isn't that almost up?"

Meng Yunzheng nodded. "Yes, there are two months left until the completion of the three-year period. That's why he's been a bit cocky lately." He actually dared to make jokes and find pleasure in his situation.

Meng Yunzheng remembered when the attendant first followed him. He thought that a man who dared to take responsibility and accepted the consequences should act like an attendant, and he didn't even have to pour his own tea.

Unfortunately, those days didn't last for more than half a month.

Now, looking back, Meng Yunzheng regretted it a bit. He should have trained the person back then. Maybe after three years, he would have a clear understanding of his position and forget about the three-year deadline.

Shu Yu clicked her tongue, shook her head, and went out.

When she reached the kitchen, she saw Zhao Xi tattling to the old lady. "...They're holding hands, Grandma. You have to make our girl more cautious. Don't let her be deceived by someone's appearance. Ah Yun is someone who has never interacted with women since he was young. He's still an innocent man. Now that he has feelings for our girl, who knows if he'll turn into a lustful ghost and lose control..."

Shu Yu stood outside and chuckled. As expected, as the three-year period approached its end, he began to let loose.

The old lady glanced at Zhao Xi disdainfully. "You know how to speak up for him, but aren't you an innocent man yourself?" Also, who said she's our girl?

"I am indeed an innocent man," Zhao Xi quickly straightened his body, wearing a serious expression.

Shu Yu couldn't stand it anymore. "Grandmother, let me help you." With that, she stepped into the kitchen.

When Zhao Xi saw her coming, he smirked and quickly turned and ran.

Once he left, Shu Yu told the old lady, "Grandma, don't listen to his nonsense."

The old lady had already prepared all the ingredients, and they were making a hot and sour fish dish. Slicing the fish required some skill that Shu Yu hadn't mastered yet, so the old lady entrusted her with the task.

As Shu Yu sliced the fish, the old lady asked, "Is everything settled between you two? Did he explain everything clearly to you?"

"Yes, very clearly." Shu Yu lowered her head, her hands skillfully slicing the fish. "But, grandmother, their family situation is quite complicated, so I can't say for sure right now."

"Isn't it just complicated?" His mother passed away, his relationship with his biological father wasn't good, and he had a foster father.

Based on this information, the old lady could already imagine a plot—a mother who had poor health and passed away early, a biological father who didn't like him, and being raised by a foster father.

Yes, very complicated.

The old lady sighed. "It's hard to say. Let's not talk about it for now. You have a broad perspective and are smart, so you should have a clear understanding. Just... take care of yourself."

Her mind flashed back to what Zhao Xi had said earlier, and she couldn't help but look at Shu Yu's hand.

Shu Yu almost facepalmed. "I will, Grandma. I'm still young, after all. Marriage and such can wait until I reach a suitable age, right?"

"Yes," the old lady agreed.

Feeling relieved, the old lady said, "grandmother, Second Sister, we're back!" Just as they were talking, the voices of Da Hu and San Ya could be heard from outside.

Shu Yu instinctively wanted to peek outside, but the old lady held her back.


Crimson Clover26

Thank you 😊 I'm enjoying the content so far so these things won't deter me from continuing 🙂 I just thought you should know 😉

Eternal Novel Hits

just checked it, regarding to the order of the parts of this chapter, it is just the same as the raw one it might felt bit abrupt because to my lack of details and i failed to highlight the change of mood of this chapter, thank you so much for reading this novel :)