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Chapter 621: The Following Teams

Second Miss widened her eyes in disbelief, staring at Shu Yu. How did she know? How could she possibly know?

Shu Yu smiled at her, then turned her head and linked arms with Da Ya, saying, "Sister, let's go. Grandmother must be worried sick at home."

Da Ya nodded, glancing at Second Miss briefly. Despite seeing the wretched state Second Miss was in, Da Ya couldn't muster an ounce of pity for someone who had plotted harm against her younger sister. In Da Ya's eyes, it was simply reaping what she had sown.

The two sisters left, and Second Miss stared blankly at their receding figures, her eyes dim and filled with despair. She knew she was finished.

Not far away, Second Madam squinted her eyes as she watched the warehouse, silently smirking to herself. She felt that perhaps she had given Second Miss too much time.

Shu Yu and her sister returned home, and that night they lay on a bed, whispering to each other.

They continued until San Ya couldn't resist her drowsiness and fell asleep, but Da Ya tightly held Shu Yu's hand.

Shu Yu looked at her in confusion, but Da Ya smiled and shook her head, saying, "It's nothing."

It was the first time Da Ya had come into contact with the Shu family and witnessed their cold indifference. Living in such an atmosphere of open and hidden struggles, Da Ya could almost guess what Yu's experiences had been like.

She was incredibly relieved that Ah Yu had come home, that they had recognized each other as sisters.

Shu Yu fell asleep in the posture of holding San Ya in her left arm and holding Da Ya's hand in her right.

The next day, Shu Yu got up as usual to prepare for hunting in the mountains.

Da Ya woke up earlier than her and had already helped their Grandmother prepare their breakfast.

Shu Yu put on her clothes and asked, "Sister, are you going back to the county today?"

Da Ya shook her head. "No, I'll stay here for a day and return tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll try to bring back a wild hare tonight."

Da Ya cautioned her, "Whether or not you bring back a hare doesn't matter. Just focus on your safety. Once you've caught enough game, come back. Don't go too deep into the mountains; it's too dangerous."

"I understand."

Shu Yu grabbed her water flask and the packed lunch for the day, then cheerfully headed out.

She arrived at the village at the right time, and many people had already gathered when she arrived.

When those people saw Shu Yu, their expressions immediately changed subtly. Thinking of the deer from yesterday, they no longer treated Shu Yu with indifference.

Shu Yu acted as if she hadn't noticed, leaning against the side, waiting for Fang Xiyue to arrive.

Once everyone had gathered, the official representative came out and instructed them to enter and choose their tools.

When those people saw Shu Yu select a bow and arrows, their eyes squinted. That deer from yesterday was indeed shot by an arrow. They regretted their misjudgment; it was a pity.

Shu Yu and Fang Xiyue walked out together. Fang Xiyue chose a hemp rope as before.

Although a hemp rope seemed to lack offensive capabilities, it could be used to bind prey and set traps. With proper use, its effectiveness could be beyond imagination.

As the two walked towards the foot of the mountain, they chatted. Shu Yu asked about Fang Xiyue's father's condition.

Fang Xiyue was elated. "My father is much better now. He did run a high fever last night, but the medicine given by your doctor brother quickly brought down the temperature. After two fever episodes, he slept through until morning. He woke up when I got up and was able to eat something."

After she finished, Fang Xiyue thanked Shu Yu again.

Shu Yu smiled and said, "As long as your father is fine, you can focus on hunting."

"Okay." Fang Xiyue was full of enthusiasm.

However, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they noticed several teams following behind them.


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