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Chapter 493: Second Miss Spitting Blood

"Ah..." It's unclear who screamed, but everyone in the Shu family stared in shock at the Second Miss spitting blood.

Madam Hou and the Sixth Miss, who were about to return to their rooms, also stopped in their tracks upon seeing the scene. How, how did she start spitting blood?

The Second Miss herself was stunned, staring with wide eyes before lowering her head. She wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand, and the bright red color stimulated her eyes, making her tremble all over.

Spitting blood? How did she start spitting blood when she was perfectly fine? She only laughed a few times and said a few curses, so why did she start spitting blood?

Her head throbbed dully, and in the next moment, her whole body stiffened and fell backward, immediately losing consciousness.

The Shu family members screamed once again, and in a chaotic rush, they carried her back to her room.

Madam Hou frowned and exchanged glances with the Sixth Miss, but they didn't do much.

Shu Yu was unaware of these events as she had already gone home with the old lady.

At home, a hot meal was indeed prepared, kept warm on the stove, waiting for Shu Yu's return.

Shu Yu hadn't experienced such a day in a month and a half. She sat across from the old lady with a smile, looking at the table full of dishes and sighing contentedly.

The old lady served her food, and the bowl was almost overflowing. "You must be hungry, eat quickly. We can talk slowly after you finish."

The dishes were all Shu Yu's favorites. She glanced at her younger siblings, smiled, and picked up her bowl.

The sky had already darkened, and after Shu Yu finished her meal, she took a warm bath and was then urged by the old lady to go to bed.

Before long, San Ya ran into the room and quickly burrowed into the bed.

The old lady stood at the door, reminding her, "Come out later to talk, okay? Your Second Sister has been busy all day and is tired. Let her rest well."

San Ya buried half of her head in the covers and hurriedly replied, "Okay, Grandma."

The old lady closed the door.

Only then did San Ya poke her head out, grabbing Shu Yu's hand. "Second Sister, I missed you so much."

"And Second Sister missed you too," Shu Yu stroked San Ya's head. The little girl seemed to have lost some weight, even though she had managed to gain a bit of flesh while they were in Jiangyuan County. During this time on the road, her chubby cheeks were gone.

But San Ya's spirits were still high.

The little girl had many things to say and rambled on, recounting everything that had happened during their journey. She also talked about their parents' situation in the county town.

However, due to her young age, she quickly became drowsy and nestled in the soft covers of her Second Sister's bed, falling asleep soon after.

When the old lady came in, the little girl's face was already flushed, fast asleep.

The old lady was about to carry her away but was stopped by Shu Yu. "Grandma, let her sleep here. San Ya sleeps well and won't disturb me. The bed is warm now, and if we move her, she might catch a cold."

Upon hearing this, the old lady didn't move, just softly said, "Alright, you should rest early too."

Shu Yu smiled and nodded, watching the old lady leave before hugging San Ya and closing her eyes to sleep.

She almost overslept, and it was only when the old lady came in to wake her up that she realized it was already late.

Rubbing her forehead, Shu Yu realized just how comfortable it was to sleep at home.

She carefully avoided San Ya, got up, got dressed, and when she was leaving, the old lady brought a steaming bowl of noodles and two eggs to her.


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