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Chapter 60: Arrogant Consort


Upon receiving the order, Ziluo clenched her teeth and delivered several hard slaps to her own face.

Gu Yunru was hurrying towards the empress dowager's chambers when she stopped her steps, looking at Rong zhen who had been silently following her all along.

"Actually... if you don't want to come along, you don't have to. I know you don't really want to see the empress dowager." Knowing that the Prince and the Empress Dowager had always been at odds, it was better to avoid meeting her.

"It's alright. I haven't seen my mother in a long time. This trip can be seen as fulfilling my filial piety, so that no one can gossip behind my back. I'm also quite tired of it."

Rong zhen's eyes were calm and there was no nervousness or struggle as if he was meeting a stranger, which made Gu Yunru feel distressed. She wondered what kind of feelings Yuanzhen had towards the Empress Dowager. Perhaps she would find an answer today.

Entering the Empress Dowager's palace, the hall was solemn and quiet, without any noise. Gu Yunru felt uneasy, not knowing what the Concubine Shu had told the Empress Dowager. She hoped that the Princess and Chu Ziqiao's matter would not be blamed on her. If it were, she would have no way to explain herself.

The palace was filled with a light, refreshing fragrance, which could refresh and improve sleep quality. It seemed that the Empress Dowager paid attention to her health.

"Empress Dowager, Miss Gu has arrived with has Prince Zhao," said the maid beside to the Empress Dowager, whispering in her ear. The Empress Dowager slowly opened her eyes, emanating an aura of detachment and loneliness. However, she was not very old, and her skin was still fair and delicate.

"Zhen'er, has he arrived?" The Empress Dowager's expression was a bit excited, suddenly realizing her precious identity, she hurriedly flattened her mouth and looked towards the maid beside her. "Quickly, invite them in."

"Yes." The maid stepped back and led the two of them into the hall, which was much brighter. Several palace maids served on the side, with no expression on their faces, showing how strict and boring it was to serve the Empress Dowager on a daily basis.

"Your servant Gu Yunru pays respects to the Empress Dowager, Long live your Majesty, may you live thousands of years," Gu Yunru performed a thoughtful ceremony, standing up and facing the Empress Dowager. From a distance, the Empress Dowager was truly the epitome of a mature woman, with an unapproachable and noble air. Her gaze was cold and devoid of any emotion, and even sitting upright could make people feel pious and respectful.

"Are you Gu Yunru, the one who instigated the Princess to act recklessly?" The Empress Dowager's dignified voice fell, and Gu Yunru felt as if a heavy stone had been placed on her heart. She couldn't possibly shoulder all the blame, and for a moment, she was at a loss for words, silently raising her head again.

"Empress Dowager, from what I've heard, I only encouraged the Princess to be herself and not to be too hard on herself. Besides, the matter of the marriage alliance has already been dealt with by the Emperor in his own way. Can we put this matter behind us?" Gu Yunru wanted to turn over this matter as quickly as possible, regardless of what the Princess and the musician had done, it had nothing to do with her.

The empress dowager remained silent, and the atmosphere gradually became heavy. It felt like she had been tied up and brought to Xingtai for cruel punishment. Glancing at Rongzhen standing by her side, who did not say a word, made the situation even more tense.

"Zhen'er, it seems like you haven't come to see your mother for a long time," the empress dowager said, her voice full of sorrow. Rongzhen bowed without expression and sat down in his place.

There was no communication between the two, indicating their indifference towards each other.

Gu Yunru's heart was beating fast, uncertain of what punishment the empress dowager had in store for her. Then the empress dowager cleared her throat lightly and said, "You accompanied Yunru today, thinking that I would reprimand her. There was no need, I just wanted to ask her a few questions."

As if deliberately explaining, Gu Yunru's heart finally settled down a bit. She smiled obediently and looked up at the empress dowager, saying, "your Majesty, I was at fault in this matter. I should not have let the princess act so recklessly. However, the marriage has already been settled. Please think more for the princess."

"I absolutely cannot allow a princess of the imperial family to be with a musician. This matter is your fault, and you must take responsibility to resolve it. If you cannot break the princess's attachment to him, then I can only hold you accountable," the empress dowager said, deliberately looking at Rong zhen's expression. His face flickered in the hall, making it impossible to read his thoughts.

"Enough, I am tired. You must resolve this matter properly," the empress dowager said, dismissing them from the hall with the help of her maidservant.

Outside the door, Gu Yunru patted her anxious chest, finally walking out of the depressing hall. The maid stopped her and whispered softly, "Miss, do not panic. The empress dowager is only considering the well-being of the palace. How can a princess be with a musician? Please persuade the princess and do not ruin her future happiness."

"I understand, I will do my best," Gu Yunru replied, still uncertain about the outcome of this matter. No matter what she said, this matter had arisen because of her, and she had to bear the burden.

The nanny glanced at Rongzhen and told him, "The Prince has not been to the palace for some time. The Empress wants you to stay and spend more time with her."

"No need, I have other things to attend to. I'll take my leave," Rongzhen replied coldly and left, leaving the nanny with a frown.

Seeing the nanny's worry, Gu Yunru comforted her, "Please don't worry, maybe the Prince just needs more time to think. He will visit the Empress eventually."

"You don't understand, the Prince has been avoiding the Empress. It's been like this for a while now. But at least the Empress will be happy for a while since the Prince came today," the nanny replied.

Gu Yunru wanted to ask more, but the nanny didn't seem willing to reveal anything. She watched as Rongzhen walked away quickly and had to run to catch up with him.

"Can you slow down a bit? You walk too fast for a martial artist," Gu Yunru panted behind him, her face turning red.

Rongzhen stopped and squinted his calm black eyes. "Now you have to deal with the mess again. I won't help you this time."

"I didn't ask for your help. I can handle this on my own," Gu Yunru crossed her arms and refused to ask for his help. She was known for being stubborn.

"Okay, then I won't be involved," Rongzhen said calmly and turned around.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gu Yunru shouted at his back. She had no idea what he was going to do next.

Feeling confused, Gu Yunru quickly returned to the side hall.

"Miss..." Qingxing had woken up and was given some medicine. Her face was swollen like a bun and looked terrible. Gu Yunru tried to hold back her laughter and fed her a bowl of egg flower soup.


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