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Chapter 46: being tricked

"Help, someone please help me!"

Sulubu was hanging from a tree, his face turning red from the strain.

Rong Zhen's internal injuries had not fully recovered. He had traveled with Gu Yunru to a rest stop for a group of body carriers on the way. The rest stop was filled with a row of coffins, and the atmosphere was heavy with Yin energy.

"Rong Zhen, are you okay?" Gu Yunru looked at him, his breathing was irregular, indicating that his internal energy had been severely damaged, and he didn't look good.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Rong Zhen finally had a clear view of her face in the moonlight. Her face had already fully recovered, with crystal-clear skin and wearing a bright red wedding dress. Her hairpin had been disheveled by the journey, and her hair hung loosely down, giving her a slightly charming look.

Seeing his covetous gaze, Gu Yunru turned her head away irritably. "Stay here and rest. I'm going to check the nearby mountains for some medicinal herbs to treat your external wounds. You're still bleeding, and I don't want you to die here."

After finishing her sentence, Gu Yunru quickly ran out, and Rong Zhen worried that she might run into trouble alone. But before he could say anything, she had already disappeared.

Gu Yunru panted as she searched near the mountain, her nose was sensitive to the scent of medicinal herbs.

She returned with some hemostatic herbs, crouched down and bit them into pieces, covering them over Rong Zhen's wounds, and used a piece of cloth torn from her dress to bandage him up.

"Are the things you said in the cave true?"

"Rong Zhens hoarse voice suddenly asked, catching her off guard. She blinked her starry eyes innocently and asked, "What did you say?"

"You said you didn't want to marry me."

Although Rong Zhen was in a semi-conscious state, he heard this sentence very clearly.

Gu Yunru wrapped him up and sat down exhaustedly.

"All of that was just me bluffing..." Gu Yunru was forced to blurt out all the truth and lies in one breath.


Rong Zhen remembered Gu Yunru's resolute gaze and the joyful expression she had when she said she didn't want to marry him.

"Of course, it's just a diversion. Don't worry about it too much. Rest well. They probably won't find us here."

Gu Yunru leaned against the wall and closed her eyes to rest. Rong Zhen watched her fall asleep, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off in this eerie place.

The next morning, Gu Yunru woke up and realized she had fallen asleep on Rong Zhen's shoulder. She secretly glanced at him and the first ray of sunlight shone on his face, making his cold, sculpted features look even more profound and three-dimensional.

Not wanting to disturb him, she quietly stood up and left.

Gu Yunru looked at her bright red wedding dress and couldn't help but frown. The style was so tacky, but if she wasn't naturally beautiful, she wouldn't be able to pull it off!

Gu Yunru went to a nearby hill to see if she could find any wild fruit. She heard a commotion ahead and realized it was the same group of bandits from yesterday. She quickly crouched down and hid in the bushes.

"It's despicable! This Rong Zhen, I'll make sure to take him apart and make him suffer! Let him never rest in peace!"

"That's right. A gentleman takes revenge ten years later. Don't let this small matter harm your health, Your Majesty."

Gu Yunru held her breath and covered her nose as the group of people passed by. After they were gone, she cautiously poked her head out.

She needed to leave this place with Rong Zhen as soon as possible. If they were discovered by those people, who knows what kind of trouble they would stir up.

Returning to the shelter, she found that he still hadn't woken up. The scattered sunlight shone on his face, and she reached out to touch his forehead, which was burning hot. Had he caught a cold last night?

She wanted to find someone to help, but she realized that it would take two mountain roads to reach them. So, she mustered up her courage and carried him on her back. She was surprised at how heavy Rong Zhen was, like carrying two bags of rice.

"You little brat, you're so heavy."

After carrying him for two li, she couldn't go any further. Rong Zhen's face was red, and his forehead was hot, likely from catching a heavy cold.

"Ah zhao, you can't be sick at a time like this!" Gu Yunru was at a loss and on the verge of tears. She cried out to the heavens and the earth, wondering where Qingfeng had gone during this critical moment.

"Forget it, let's rest for a while..." Gu Yunru was exhausted. She hadn't eaten much, and after the night's events, she was starving and dizzy, about to pass out.

She laid Rong Zhen on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Ah zhao, you can't have any accidents. If you die here, I'll never forgive myself," Gu Yunru reproached herself, her eyes getting moist again.

Rong Zhen had risked his life to save her, and if something really went wrong, she would never forgive herself.

Gu Yunru rested for a while and saw a nearby ox cart passing by. She quickly ran up and waved to the old man driving the cart, saying, "Grandpa, can you give us a ride? We want to go down the mountain."

The old man looked at Rong Zhen, who had fainted on the side, and said in surprise, "Is he dead?"

"No, no, he's just exhausted and fainted. He's not dead, listen to his heartbeat," Gu Yunru replied.

The old man was skeptical, but reluctantly allowed the two of them onto the cart. Gu Yunru helped Rong Zhen up, but found that his breathing and heartbeat had suddenly stopped.

"Ah Zhao! Ah Zhao!" Gu Yunru frantically patted his face, but the old man had waited for a while and didn't see the two of them. Hearing the girl's frightened voice, he thought that Rong Zhen had really died, so he drove the cart down the mountain.

"I can't believe it. I told you not to die here, and you really died," Gu Yunru cried with tears streaming down her face. She pinched his philtrum hard, but it was of no use.

"Ah Zhao, please don't go. How can I go back alone?" Gu Yunru's tears welled up in her eyes as she shook his arm fiercely.

Suddenly, she saw a slight upward curve at the corner of his mouth. Gu Yunru immediately realized that this guy was pretending to be dead.

She was angry but couldn't let him deceive her like this. She put on a fake crying voice and said, "You died so miserably. In that case, I'll throw your body into the river. It's also a good deed for you."

When Rong Zhen heard that he was going to be thrown into the river, he quickly sat up like a carp jumping out of the water.

At this moment, a green figure appeared in front of them. It was Qing Feng, who was holding a shiny silver sword. It seemed that he had been following them for a long time.

"Great, the two of you, master and servant, have teamed up to play a trick on me!" Gu Yunru suddenly realized what was going on. She had been anxious all the way, but she hadn't expected to be tricked.


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