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Chapter 33: Against the Will of Heaven

Rongzhen sat on the side, drinking tea, looking like a carefree wanderer.

Gu Yunru sat by the bed, brushing aside the stray hair on her forehead and said, "Stop saying these words of gratitude. The most important thing now is to clear your name. What exactly happened?"

Gu Yunru wanted to uncover the truth, and Bi Luo looked innocent, her eyes downcast, "The incident happened two days ago when I was washing the clothes sent from the Storage Palace. After washing them, I returned them to the Storage department. But I didn't expect that afte Concubine Ying tried them on, she became feverish and fainted."

As she spoke, tears welled up in Bi Luo's eyes, and she kept shaking her head, "I have received Concubine Ying's kindness. She has treated me kindly, and I have no reason to harm her in this way."

Rongzhen sat on the side, appearing indifferent but in fact had already heard their conversation. He usually didn't bother with these petty intrigues, but if it weren't for Gu Yunru wanting to intervene, he wouldn't have stayed here with her.

"So, Imperial Concubine Shu sent someone to arrest you?"

Bi Luo nodded, crying heartbreakingly. Her face was covered in tears, and her eyes were still red and swollen.

"Don't cry. I believe you didn't harm Concubine Ying. But the banquet is about to begin, and I can't go to the Storage department for now. Otherwise, I can go and see how Concubine Ying is doing."

Bi Luo looked at Gu Yunru gratefully and said, "Miss, you've done so much for me. I understand now. Please don't worry about Bi Luo's affairs."

Rongzhen listened to all of this and felt restless. He got up and walked out directly. Gu Yunru narrowed her eyes and couldn't help but think that she thought he was a person who was cold on the outside and warm on the inside, but she didn't expect him to have no patience at all.

"Biluo, you rest well first. With Prince Zhao protecting you, nothing will happen to you. I'm going now, but I will make time to visit you at the Storage department."

Biluo didn't take her words to heart, but she was genuinely grateful to Miss Gu for speaking up for her.

Gu Yunru caught up with Rong Zhen's footsteps and patted his shoulder, saying, "Hey, why are you so cold-blooded? You didn't say a word in the room. Didn't you see how pitiful she was?"

Rong Zhen slowed down and his eyes suddenly flashed with killing intent. Gu Yunru took a step back in fear, wondering if she had said something wrong again.

"Do you know that things like this happen in the palace every day? You saved Biluo, but can you save the next Biluo?"

"So you knew she was innocent from the beginning."

Gu Yunru looked at his expression as if she were looking at a clown. Was her behavior really that absurd and ridiculous?

"Whether or not I did this is not important."

"That's not okay. If she is innocent, she must be cleared of any wrongdoing. I believe that Concubine Shu would not let someone die in vain."

Gu Yunru spoke confidently, but she did not resonate with him. It seems that this guy lacks some empathy.

"I mean, if you don't want to get involved in this matter, why did you come to the Laundry department?"

Gu Yunru followed him and asked incessantly, ''You were brought into the palace by this prince. I don't want you to embarrass me.''


Gu Yunru was so angry that her face turned red and her neck thickened. This guy really had low emotional intelligence.

The banquet was about to begin, and everyone was seated, listening to the slow and melodious music. Gu Yunru closed her eyes with a look of ease, secretly opening one eye to observe the changes in everyone present.

The person wearing a yellow dragon robe should be the current emperor. He was indeed imposing and resembled Rong Zhen to some extent, but one was mild-mannered and the other was imposing, overall still somewhat different.

While Gu Yunru was observing the emperor, he also looked at her face. At the moment their eyes met, she quickly lowered her head.

''Imperial brother, come, let me have a drink with you.''

This sentence was spoken by the emperor to Rong Zhen. Gu Yunru breathed a sigh of relief. She only wanted to be an unnoticed little transparent person in the scene and hoped that no one would notice her.

"Her Highness the Shufei has arrived!"

The small eunuch outside the door raised his voice, drawing everyone's attention. The legendary Shufei was about to arrive. Gu Yunru looked up curiously and saw a woman in a magnificent robe walking in, with gold and silver jewelry adorning her head and a proud and aloof expression on her face.

Ziyun, who was by Imperial Concubine Shu side, instantly recognized Gu Yunru and whispered a few words in her ear. Shufei then turned her sharp gaze toward Gu Yunru's face.

Gu Yunru felt her whole body tremble under Shufei's piercing gaze. She truly was the majestic Shufei, capable of making people shudder with just one look. It seemed that anyone who offended her in the palace was in danger.

"I haven't seen Prince Zhao in a long time. The emperor always remembers you. And is this the young lady of the Gu family, Gu Yunru?" Imperial Concubine Shu looked at Rongzhen but kept scanning her eyes over Gu Yunru's face, clearly wanting to get to know her.

"Yes, it is," Gu Yunru replied with a feeling of unease in her heart.

Rongzhen's words were brief. This gathering was considered a family gathering, but several princes and ministers were also invited to celebrate the princess's birthday.

"Why is Miss Gu still wearing a veil? Is there something in this hall that makes Miss uncomfortable?" Shufei looked at Gu Yunru's slightly pale face with a cold gaze.

Gu Yunru raised her head awkwardly, thinking about how to respond to Concubine Shu's question. Suddenly, Rongzhen spoke up, "She has recently been suffering from a cough, and she is afraid of affecting others, so she is wearing a veil."

The Emperor observed their interaction from below and saw that his younger brother had finally come to his senses and was protecting his fiancée.

"Ah, so that's the case. We have some loquat paste from the Western Regions as tribute, which can soothe the throat. Miss Gu, please go to the Qianxi Palace to get some after the banquet," said the Concubine Shu, who had been staring at Gu Yunruo while talking to Rongzhen.

Gu Yunruo felt a cold sweat in her palms. She didn't want to go to the Qianxi Palace, but it seemed that she had no choice.

"Thanking Imperial Concubine Shu," Gu Yunruo forced out a grateful response, and Rongzhen whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid, she won't do anything to you."

Rongzhen stared down the Imperial Concubine as if to say, "My woman is off-limits to everyone," leaving Gu Yunru feeling uncomfortable in the middle.

The Emperor looked around the hall and asked, "What's wrong with the Princess?"

"In response to Your Majesty, the Princess is on her way," replied an attendant.

"Well, it doesn't matter. The Empress Dowager is praying in the Buddhist hall, and Concubine Ying is recovering from a fever in the hall. Fortunately, the affairs of the palace are taken care of by the Imperial ConcubineShu. Imperial Consort, I should toast you with this cup."

"Your Majesty is too kind. These are all things that your humble servant should do," Concubine Shu said and quickly picking up the cup. Before she could make eye contact with the Emperor, he had already swallowed the wine.

Gu Yunru observed Imperial Concubine Shu's expression, which was briefly melancholic before she smiled and drank the wine. It seemed that the relationship between the Emperor and the Imperial Consort was no different from that of an ordinary couple, without even a shred of emotional connection between them.


Other terms used in the Chinese imperial court to refer to imperial consorts include:

Huanghou (皇后) - the Empress, the highest rank of imperial consort

  • Guifei (贵妃) - the Noble Consort, the third highest rank of imperial consort

  • Pinfei (嫔妃) - the Consort, a middle-ranking imperial consort
  • Fei (妃) - the Concubine, the lowest rank of imperial consort.

Base on my own understanding in this novel Shufei (淑妃) or Concubine Shu hold the ranking of Guifei as she Control the 6 Palaces I think she's one step of being an empress but the writing refering to her is (淑) which is Shu and (妃) which Fei, anyways different Authors and different dynasty has different term but one thing for sure they are all Concubines in the palace


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