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Chapter 28: Hidden Schemes

"I want to do what? Well, these are my clothes that I haven't washed yet in the past few days. Would you wash them for me too?"


"Because I am a first-class maid, while you are only a second-class one. You can't serve by the side of the prince, and I am closest to his bedroom, and can serve him at any time. You understand the rules of the mansion, don't you?"

Qing Shuang's smug face was particularly glaring in front of her. Qing Yu lowered her head. Normally, she kept her head down, hiding herself deeply, and would not attract jealousy and criticism from others. However, Qing Shuang's attitude towards her had become increasingly arrogant recently, and she knew it was because she had received praise from Miss Gu and favor from the prince.

"I'm afraid I don't have time. Miss Gu has instructed me to learn cupping as soon as possible."

Qing Yu stood up stiffly, looking directly into her eyes, without any fear. After hearing this, Qing Shuang sneered.

"Haha, you are just a lowly servant. Why should you take care of the prince? Let me tell you, as long as you provoke me, I guarantee that you will leave the mansion soon."

"What right do you have to make me leave the mansion?"

"Just because I am the chief maid of the mansion, and my mother serves by the side of the queen. What do you say?"

After Qing Shuang finished speaking, she sneered at her and slammed her arm hard before leaving.

Qing Yu returned to her room, buried her head in her knees, and cried quietly. The seed of hatred had long been planted in her heart. Why was her birth so lowly? So lowly that even Qing Shuang, who was also a maid, could treat her with such contempt?

She was unwilling. She was unwilling! She must become the prince's woman and make everyone respect her.

She tightly closed her eyes and a tear ran down her face.

The scene switched and Gu Yunru was once again taking his pulse. After finishing, she asked, "How has your sleep been these past few days?"


"Do you have any favorite scents?"


"Uh, do you like listening to bird songs?"


Gu Yunru felt three black lines appear on her forehead. It was impossible to have a decent conversation with this person.

"If someone knelt by your bed and told you a bedtime story, how would you react?" Gu Yunru thought of this treatment for insomnia, but it could potentially increase the patient's mental burden.

"I would consider them an assassin and kill them in the middle of the night."

Gu Yunru was horrified listening to him and watched as Rong Zhen's serious expression gave no indication of him joking.

"Uh, well...just consider that I'm joking."

Rong Zhen turned his head to look at her and asked, "Is your face still not healed?"

"Oh, my face. It still needs some more time to heal, probably around ten days to half a month."

"Why would it take so long?"

Rong Zhen didn't show any suspicion, since he had personally witnessed the horrific state of her face.

"Uh...it should be related to individual physique. By the way, Your Highness, do you have any best friends or close confidants in the capital?"

Gu Yunru curiously looked at him. Although he had always been a loner, he couldn't possibly have no one to talk to. If he continued like this, he would go crazy sooner or later.

"Occasionally I go to the palace to see my imperial brother, and that's about it."

"Oh, then do you ever feel lonely?"

"Lonely? What is loneliness?"

"It's that itch in your heart, wanting to go out and see things, wanting to talk to people, and that desire just gets deeper and deeper."

Gu Yunru propped her chin up with one hand. This Rong Zhen was definitely the most unique person she had ever met. He had never felt lonely before. Wouldn't anyone feel lonely during their single days?

"No, I practice martial arts when I'm alone."

"That's a good hobby."

"Kill a few people while I'm at it."

"Oh, no, you can't do that. You can't kill anyone during this time, and you can't touch knives either."

Gu Yunru looked at him nervously. Rong Zhen raised a corner of his lips indifferently and said, "I haven't killed anyone in a long time."

"That's good, that's good. In any case, you can't kill people for no reason."

Gu Yunru was sweating profusely. Thankfully, she hadn't become his woman yet. Otherwise, if he got interested, he might use her as a target...

Thinking of that gruesome scene, Gu Yunru felt her hair stand on end.

"Why don't you call me Ah Zhao anymore?"

This question had been bothering Rong Zhen for a long time, so he decided to ask directly.

"What?" she replied.

"Never mind."

Gu Yunru pretended not to have heard him, as she didn't know how to answer. Sometimes, when he was in a good mood, she would call him Ah Zhao, which might make him feel happier. But when he was inexplicably angry, she had to address him as "Your Highness" respectfully to soothe his temper.

"By the way, who are you closest to besides the emperor?" She asked.

Gu Yunru had wanted to ask about the empress dowager several times but had held back. To get to the root of his problem, she needed to know about his relationships and upbringing.

"The closest person? No one," he replied.

"Oh, I see," Gu Yunru replied, unable to bear asking further. He had been rejected and alienated by his father since childhood and left to grow up on the border.

Could a child grow up healthily in such an environment?

"Princess Chang is coming back tomorrow, and there's going to be a banquet in the palace. Would you like to come with me?" he asked, this time with a hint of inquiry rather than command.

"Is Princess Chang your sister?" she asked.

"You could say that."

"Oh, then you must have a good relationship with her, right?" Gu Yunru continued to probe for his deepest secrets, but his defenses were too strong.

"Actually, I haven't met with the Princess much. Her relationship with the Crown Prince is good, and she's about to get married. Perhaps this is the last time I'll see her."

"Oh, I see. Do you want me to go?" With a hopeful expression, Gu Yunru looked at him, hoping he would invite her.

"Either way is fine. I won't force you. After all, you're not my woman yet."

Gu Yunru almost spit blood after hearing this.

Throughout the conversation, Rong Zhen's expression remained cold, and Gu Yunru couldn't tell whether he was hopeful or not.

"Well, okay. It's boring to stay alone anyway." Gu Yunru thought it would be better to go to the palace and observe his relationship with the Empress Dowager while joining in the festivities.

As night fell, Qingfeng escorted Gu Yunru back to the Gu mansion. As soon as she entered her room, she saw Qingxing running towards her with a pale face.

"What's the matter? Why are you so flustered?" Gu Yunru put down her cup, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Miss, something bad has happened. Su Shi has passed away."

"When did it happen?" Gu Yunru quickly asked.

"This morning. The body has already been handled by Madam. They said Su Shi felt guilty and committed suicide because she felt she had let you down. Master chose to turn a blind eye to this matter because he didn't want it to affect the reputation of the Gu family."


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