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Chapter 329: Good Stuff


Bai Lu and Xiao Wei carried small hoes and dustpans, heading to the old house that had been leveled, doing the final cleanup.

Luo Shiliu's excavator just arrived home, and the speed of leveling the old house was quite impressive, without any delay.

The rubble that needed to be removed was cleared away efficiently, but with a bit too much force, resulting in a slightly broader leveling range.

The vegetable garden suffered a bit of damage along the edge.

Of course, the vegetables inside were not affected; after all, they were separated by chestnut trees, and their claws couldn't reach inside.

Overall, except for the rose bushes across the small river, more or less, all other places received the excavator's "affection," covered with a bit of mud coat.

The nests of the old hen and the big chicks had already been moved to the temporary residence yesterday and were now being kept in the backyard vegetable garden.

The mud coat just needed a little handling.

"Sister-in-law, there's a silly fish here."

Xiao Wei stared at the silly fish swimming upside down in the river for a long time. After cleaning up the mud coat, he immediately carried the dustpan to the edge of the small river, ready to catch fish.

Bai Lu, carrying the small hoe, also saw the fish in the river. "It's swimming so crookedly, hitting the riverbank several times and still can't turn over. It feels like it's missing something in its brain. Will eating it affect our intelligence?"

Xiao Wei looked puzzled. "Is there such a saying?"

Bai Lu nodded seriously. "I heard someone say that eating silly fish can easily affect normal brain function."

Xiao Wei: "Then if we don't eat fish brains, our brains will function normally."

Bai Lu: "Makes sense."

Wait a minute, something seems off?

We haven't eaten silly fish now, but our brains are still functioning normally, right?

"Big brother also doesn't like to eat fish heads, so he's very smart." Xiao Wei reached into the water with the dustpan to catch fish.

As he spoke, "But last time, Sister-in-law served fish head to big brother, and he still remained just as smart."

The silly fish actually escaped!

Bai Lu stared at the fish, surprised and puzzled by the little guy's words. "Your brother doesn't like to eat fish heads?"

The first time she served fish head to Xiao Cheng, Bai Lu remembered it was the day he arrived, and Xiao Cheng bought fish.

The roof of the house was leaking, and Xiao Cheng repaired the tiles. During dinner, she "considerately" served Xiao Cheng by giving him the fish head.

Xiao Cheng just glanced at her then without refusal, quickly ate up the fish head expressionlessly.

She thought Xiao Cheng liked to eat fish heads because of that incident. Later, every time she cooked fish, she served him the fish head.

And he always finished it without a word.

He doesn't like it... is that so?

"I don't know." Xiao Wei realized he said too much and quickly shook his head.

"Big brother used to eat it occasionally, never said he didn't like it, and we rarely bought fish at home. Maybe big brother himself doesn't know if he likes fish heads. But since you served him the fish head, he ate it every time, so he probably doesn't dislike it." Xiao Wei couldn't withstand Bai Lu's gaze and quickly went to chase the silly fish with the dustpan.

But Bai Lu chased after him and asked, "Besides fish heads, what else does your brother not like to eat?"

Xiaowei remembered the sweet roasted chestnuts and shook his head, "I don't know."

Wait a minute—"I didn't say big brother doesn't like fish heads, Sister-in-law, don't overthink it."

"Don't worry, I didn't overthink..."

Bai Lu was about to say something when a voice came from behind, both righteous and wicked, with a smile that wasn't a smile.


Bai Lu and Xiao Wei, who were being played by the silly fish, turned back at the same time.

Li Jianfeng was standing at the doorway of the old house about to be demolished, two meters ahead, with a smile on his face.

Wu Youmo beside him remained silent, with the same smile on his face and a black plastic bag in his hand.

The two of them stepped over the rubble one after the other, heading towards the riverbank.

"Sister-in-law, are you fishing?"

Li Jianfeng was tall and had long legs. He quickly reached the position of the small river where Bai Lu and Xiao Wei were, his eyes gleaming at the fish swimming in the river as if selecting prey.

Turning his head abruptly to look at the dustpan in Xiao Wei's hand, he snatched it away but didn't use it to catch fish.

Instead, he threw it aside.

Excitedly, he said to Bai Lu, "Sister-in-law, this thing can't catch fish. Let me give you something good!"

"I guarantee that once you throw it in, all the fish in the whole river will jump up for you to choose. You can pick whichever one you want to eat!"

Xiao Wei, angered by having his dustpan snatched and thrown away, was about to speak... but was stopped by Bai Lu's hand.

"No need, thank you."

Bai Lu politely declined Li Jianfeng's offer with a standard smile. "We don't want to eat fish today."

Li Jianfeng's crazed gaze at the fish instantly shifted to Bai Lu, regretful for a moment, then gleamed again.

"But I want to eat fish. Sister-in-law, you won't disagree, will you? This small river of yours is clear and clean, and the fish raised here must be very clean too! Fried until crispy and fragrant, biting into the fish head will be so crunchy!"

As he said "crunchy," a horrifying crunching sound echoed simultaneously, chilling and eerie.

Combined with his slightly mad eyes, it seemed like he was not interested in the fish at all, only in the bones.

Especially his gaze, which followed Bai Lu's downward movement, about to lock eyes with the little guy.

Bai Lu immediately covered Xiao Wei's eyes, pulling him back behind her.

Xiao Wei had seen Xiao Cheng's violent and ruthless side, cold and merciless, with a chilling indifference that kept people away.

He had never seen Li Jianfeng like this, but even before he made a move, a cold aura kept emanating from him.

A chilling horror that even the scorching sun couldn't cover, making the hairs stand on end and sending shivers down the spine.

It felt as if a terrifying monster had targeted them.

Xiao Wei dared not run around anymore, clenching his fists and hiding behind Bai Lu, listening intently for any movement.

"If you like to eat fish, just catch them. If you don't like the dustpan, you can use something else. Catch as many as you want. If you catch too many at once and can't finish them, it'll be a waste." Bai Lu tactfully refused Li Jianfeng's powerful weapon.

"If I'm not mistaken, the plastic bag Wu Youmo is holding contains all torpedo-grade fish."

It was on the Dragon Boat Festival, during the dragon boat race, that Li Jianfeng used torpedoes to blast the river.

These torpedoes were so effective at blasting the river that throwing them in now would blow up the entire river.

Hearing Bailu's words, Li Jianfeng seemed to just realize such a situation could happen, looking troubled.

"Sister-in-law is right! Wasting is indeed shameful. But I want to taste all the fish in this river. What should I do? It's impossible to catch them all by hand."

Bai Lu smiled without saying a word.

Wu Youmo, holding the torpedoes, felt that Bai Lu's current smile could rival their boss's madness.

It wasn't a crazy smile.

But it could match one.

"Hey! I was just kidding, Sister-in-law." Li Jianfeng squinted his eyes and smiled, diverting his gaze from Bailu's face.

He turned to Wu Youmo.

"What are you waiting for? Give the gift to Sister-in-law! Do you really think I want to eat all the fish in the river? Where do you think my brain is? How can I finish so many fish in one meal? It's a waste to not finish them, and wasting fish will bring down the wrath of the heavens!"

That's not what you said before you came...

Wu Youmo was accustomed to his boss's ability to switch between two faces at any moment. He immediately handed the plastic bag to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu politely refused, "Thank you, but we can't eat that much in one meal. We're more used to catching fish with a dustpan."

Chapter 330: Lack of Confession

"This won't do!"

Li Jianfeng forcefully snatched the black bag from Wu You's hand and stuffed it into Bai Lu's hands.

"These fish... are meant to be stewed! A dustpan can only catch small fish. What's so good about small fish? Sister-in-law should eat big fish, only big fish are worthy of Sister-in-law!"

Seeing that Bai Lu didn't let go of the black plastic bag, Li Jianfeng's sinister and surging dark pupils finally calmed down slightly.

His gaze shifted to the river, staring straight at the silly fish lying belly up on the shore.

"Sister-in-law, take a look! There's actually a silly fish here, just waiting to be caught without moving an inch!" Li Jianfeng smiled mysteriously at Bai Lu.

"But as soon as someone approaches, it runs away, with so many small fish and shrimps around to cover for it!"

His eyes gradually turned sinister, his voice dark and mysterious. "A dustpan... is too small. We need to use torpedoes to catch it all in one pot!"

"Blow up all the small fish and shrimps around it, leaving none behind, only then can we eat the biggest and most delicious fish!"

Bai Lu remained silent.

With one hand holding the black plastic bag and the other protecting the little one who had rushed out from behind her.

Li Jianfeng seemed to not care whether Bai Lu responded or not, and after speaking, he looked around as if just noticing the changes.

With a surprised expression, he exclaimed, "Sister-in-law, your house has collapsed?"

"Are you planning to build a new house here?"

Bailu replied, "That's right."

Li Jianfeng looked even more surprised. "Aren't you and brother Cheng running an electrical appliance store in the city? Instead of buying land in the city to build a house, you're rebuilding a new home here?"

"In this small town, there's nothing except people!"

Bai Lu smiled. "People are enough."

Li Jianfeng looked at Bai Lu with great confusion, then glanced at the ruins of the old house.

Shaking his head in disbelief, he muttered to himself, "Hmm...," before turning to leave, not forgetting to invite Bai Lu.

"Sister-in-law, come to the city for tea sometime."

As Wu You followed Li Jianfeng away, he turned his head once again, as if confirming something.

The darkness in Xiao Wei's eyes disappeared almost completely, and he loosened his grip, running out from behind Bai Lu.

He nervously grabbed the plastic bag from Bai Lu's hand.

"Who is he? Why did he come to our house for no reason, say strange things, do strange things, and even give a gift to Sister-in-law... What is this thing?"

The black ball the size of a fist was taken out by Xiao Wei and examined closely to see if it was dangerous.

It smelled a bit strange.

Very much like...

"Small fish torpedoes sold on the street, a little bigger in size, can blow up a few more small fish. There's nothing special about it. Alright, let's go home and cook. Do you still want to eat fish? If you do, we'll buy some from the street. That silly fish in the river is too cunning; we can't catch it no matter how hard we try."

"I don't want to eat anymore."

Seeing Bai Lu pick up the small hoe again, Xiao Wei immediately ran to retrieve the dustpan that had been thrown away.

"Does he know Big Brother?"

Bai Lu walked slowly, holding the torpedo in one hand and the small hoe in the other, walking in step with the little one. "They used to know each other."

"It doesn't matter. He gave the small fish torpedo just to blow up the small fish for your brother. When your brother comes back, I'll give it to him and see if he wants to use it..."

Li Jianfeng's words and the torpedo gave Bai Lu the feeling that he was conveying some kind of message.

But this person was a bit "sick".

Bai Lu didn't dare to make a hasty conclusion. If she guessed wrong, she wouldn't even know if she was being used as a pawn.

Let's wait until Xiao Cheng comes back.

Bai Lu put away the torpedo, cooked and ate with Xiao Wei, and then went to the backyard vegetable garden to clear the land and plant vegetables.

It would take some time to build the new house, decorate it, and move in. Without planting some vegetables, how could they manage?

Not only did they need to plant vegetables, but they also needed to transplant all the vegetables from the old house's vegetable garden.

They could eat whenever they wanted, without running back and forth, delaying the progress of the project.

After eating the big ones and transplanting the small ones, the remaining three plots of land were planted with new vegetables, while Xiao Wei watered and moistened the soil.

Bailu went to buy vegetable seeds from the street.

On her way back, passing by the end of the south alley, she was stopped in her tracks by a scene under the trees that caught her eye.

Someone was confessing their love.

Under the faint golden sunlight, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, holding a book, wore a simple and elegant knee-length checkered skirt, her shoulder-length hair slightly red as she looked up with a blush on her face.

The young man she called out to, with a handsome face devoid of youthful innocence, exuded a gentle and refined demeanor, slightly more mature, tall and upright, giving people a sense of security they could rely on.

Respectful silence awaited.

The book was held tightly, the girl secretly took a deep breath to cheer herself up, gathering the courage to speak.

"I like you."

There was no surprise on his face, his brows and eyes gentle and clear as ever, as if he had experienced this scene many times before.

His tone was still as gentle and warm as the wind. "The road ahead is still long, you should focus on your studies."

"I study hard every day."

The girl blushed, but spoke earnestly. "Taking you as my role model, I've been studying hard every day, listening attentively in class and asking the teacher about anything I don't understand."

"The college entrance examination is over, and I've passed the entrance exam for a first-tier university, not letting down anyone's expectations, nor the efforts I made to keep up with you."

"I like you, and it's related to my studies, to you. I like your gentle and refined personality, I admire your respect for teachers and traditions, I like that you're my motivation, you're the light I've been chasing after for three years in high school, my dream..."

"I know stopping you here is abrupt, but I like you. I couldn't help but speak up, I couldn't bear to miss you because of any regrets."

"I've already applied to the same school as you, hoping for a chance to walk alongside you."

He listened quietly to every word the girl said.

He wasn't moved by any particular sentence, nor did he show any other emotions. His tone remained as gentle and calm as ever.

In a farewell gesture, he said, "The world outside is vast, and you're still young. Go out and see the vast sky and sea, the beauty of the world. You won't be too attached to youthful romance too early, you'll understand that learning never stops, standing in a higher place where more people can see you, you'll have better choices."

He was gently declining her.

But the girl didn't give up, her expression serious and determined. "You're the best choice."

"In my eyes, you're the best, irreplaceable. No matter how many people there are outside, how beautiful the world is, I want to tell you, I only like you."

The girl's confession was firm and unwavering, clear and powerful, echoing through the alleys with the gentle breeze.

The sun had not yet set, it was not yet dinner time, there were not many people around, only the small grass on the wall swayed gently.

It seemed to be cheering the girl on, encouraging her to speak up if she liked someone.

It couldn't help but remind Bai Lu.

Her and Xiao Cheng, it seemed they hadn't confessed to each other.

Letting things flow naturally was fine.

But in many cases, having a ceremony to confirm things would make them more legitimate.

For example... Yun Ruolin's matter.


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