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Submission Form -----> https://forms.gle/uWy6kKJ9Bs4Zu7m26

A HUGE big fat friggin' thanks for all the support over the months-- it will almost be a full year since I opened the patreon in May so I wanted to enforce more interactive stuff as thanks no matter what, so I put together something to streamline things more

Deadline: Monday 4/11
Suggestion polls are back! You can reply/submit an existing character you want drawn. Optionally, you can suggest a specific pose/outfit/theme

I will put all submissions along with their themes in a poll for everyone to vote on-- with SFW nominees and NSFW nominees in their own polls.

Please keep them based on existing characters and provide the series/show! You can suggest my OCs if you want.

Otherwise, go wild! I will not judge you outside of those guidelines and your forms will not be tied to you; entirely private.

Have fun everyone ! woohoo! ❤



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