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Hey y'all! Here's the update for February!

Good news for Patrons: I will be exclusively updating LM episodes on Patreon in February

So, LM is on a public hiatus for now, but my goal is to come back publicly in March. I wanted to come back in January, but on January 1st, I had some pretty serious medical issues pop up that completely slowed me down.

I have this big character flaw, where I just assume I'll be able to roll through every medical issue I have and immediately get back to work; Shocker, this one was no different than when I got covid, or my last big health issue where I was in the hospital, and it took me several weeks to start feeling 'normal' again :"] But I am finally on the mend and doing much better.

I'm almost done with episode 59, and am already lining 60 as well. both will be done on/before the 15th at the very most.

Thanks so much for your support :""] Things have been rough this last month, but I appreciate all of you guys so incredibly much.



I hope you have completely recovered by now and I'm sorry it happened to you, I hope things are going to be better now! And please take your time to fully recover!

Hildegard von Derp

Heyheyhey thank you so much for all the work and take care of yourself. Riding that health roller coaster is exhausting :/ Take all the time you need!