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Hey y'all! I've been editing old LM eps for some ~exciting things~ that'll get announced this weekend, and I thought I'd share some of the juiciest edits I've made and their side-by-side differences. This isn't all of them, as I want there to be some motivation to reread when it all gets relaunched on 12/13!!! but some of my favorites are here. These are small text/dialogue changes that I feel make a pretty big difference and tie in better thematically)

Left is new, right is old. Let's get started

Ep 24 dialogue change:

Ep 5:

I feel like esp after reading the most recent ep I made, this dialogue hits a little harder

Ep 6

getting my own august Lore right LOL

Episode 5:

actual intentional symbolism lol

Hope y'all had fun w this! And I look forward to showing yall all of the edits :"D


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