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Trying something different with a kink poll! If it's not your thing, don't worry. I still have a normal poll in the works for next week too!

Witch Cat is curious; what exactly is in there? The answer is up to you!

No buttons this time, either! I want to keep it informal and open-ended this time to see what ideas you guys can come up with.

You can  write down your "vote" in the comments below, or if you'd rather keep it private, DM it to me either here or on FA/Twitter!

This poll will be open until October 25th, 12:01am. Happy voting!




You already know I'm gonna say they're preg, perhaps from one of the AC villagers


I’m gonna say he’s prego with a bunch of kittens or pups~…depending on who knocked him up really. Rover might make a good dad ;3…a pumpkin could prolly fit in there too come to think of it.


theyre propably just stuffed with some delicious peach cobbler :)

Blankity Blank

Maybe he's been messing with summoning magic too much and is manifesting an otherworldly/demonic being in his womb?


Nookager’s babies C:


Definitely a litter of black kittens


Don’t like preg stuff at all, so I’d say it’s just fat :v (maybe vore too if you’re into that at all >>)


He's carrying a big dragon egg that turns into a new dragon friend :3 or he serves as a vessel for spooky spirits!


I'd say a couple of large spooky decorated eggs or full of hot cum!


oooh, maybe just one huge dragon egg that he sat on and put in his lovely rump!


If kittens wins can we have him holding one on his chest?