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Currently squaring away the last of the current set of the commissions. Once that's out of the way, I'll hammer through my backlog, but I definitely want to get some more poll art out there and start one for the next month as well. Plenty of catch up, but that just means more art for you guys!

I know haven't been able to get too much non-commission work out there this month. I'd like to make it up to you guys for offering me so much support during what's been a tough summer season for me. Having this many of you here when I was always floating around 12-15 in the past makes me happy, but I want to keep you guys happy too!

If you think a billing pause for this previous month would be fair, feel free to let me know either via message or in the comments. Alternatively, if you'd like a refund for July, I would be more than happy to provide it to you! In the meanwhile, I'll start getting the next poll ready.💜



Yeah, I feel like we barely got anything with Spitz after that poll. Just one thing with Bob and another WIP, so I'm pretty disappointed. Also, I don't think I have access to the polls anymore even though I've got the $4 pledge that should let me see them. You might wanna fix that, lol


Not sure what could be causing that, but I just went over the access and reset it all. I'll have a new poll up tomorrow so that will be a good chance to test it out.


Oh and there will be more cats! The next poll starting won't cancel out the current one.