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Hey everyone! Poll art wont be done by tonight unfortunately, but will be ready tomorrow! 

Long story short, I've had three appliance failures in this past week alone, with the fridge, washer, and water heater breaking in that order. I was busy today with the associated shenanigans, but hopefully everything gets resolved.

It's times like these I just can't overstate how grateful I am to have all of you pitching in to help me out during times like this. With how many of you there are, I'm starting to consider working at this full time in earnest. Thank you all so much!!💜




Sorry to hear about all the shit happening to you lately. I'm happy to be pitching in what little I can and knowing it means so much to you. Take care of yourself and remember we care about you 😇


That really sucks to hear dude. I’m very glad to be supporting you on here and hope that everything gets resolved for you soon ^^ 💜