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Hey everybody. Just wanted to let you know my second shot is tomorrow, but otherwise, I'll just be focusing on everybody's commissions. I won't be posting any of these publicly until they're all finished and I have the okay from each of you, so no worries there.

All this means is that the remaining Izuchi drawings and next poll will be on hold until all the comms are done. Afterward, I'll be opening a few to non-patrons as well, and we'll go from there. I might not feel great for the next few days, but I'll try to stay available!

Again, a big thanks to everybody! Your support means a lot to me, and I'll be relieved to know I'm completely vaccinated.



Great to hear, Frumples!


Good luck, hope the vaccine doesn't kick your ass! I've heard plenty of stories of people getting pretty messed up for a bit after getting their shots.


Here hoping everything works at the end. And remember, stay safe.


Ayy nice. Glad to hear you're all vaxed up. Hope you're feeling ok after the shot!