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Sorry for the lack of content today guys. There's some shenanigans going on with my Twitter account that ate up most of the day. I somehow received an automated search ban in the last 24 hours and I'm not sure why. I only noticed because my numbers were suspiciously low.

Only things I can think at this point is my sudden increased activity combined with the link spam that CuriousCat creates when you use the site's Twitter share feature. That, or just somebody report spammed me enough to get flagged.

The good news is there's no further restrictions to my account. The bad news is I just have to wait until I hear back from Twitter support, and that's all even slower than ever due to Covid. I've already submitted a ticket, so now we just have to wait and see what happens.

Sorry again. I don't usually post on Sunday, but more tomorrow!



Sorry that happened to you. :/ At least you're on track to get it resolved!