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Hey everybody! I wouldn't really consider this a poll, so much as an open-ended question.

The round-bellied edits from a few days back got me thinking about kinky art in general. I'm curious, what kind of non-vanilla content you might like to see more of? I know a good chunk of you liked Digby with a big tum, so is that something you'd like to see more of? Anything else you'd like to see? Alternatively, if you're more the vanilla sort, feel free to voice that as well! Go ahead and leave a comment. Don't be shy!





I'll be honest and say I mainly follow your work for the vanilla stuff, so that'd be my preference- though if you were to do kinky art, I am a fan of hyper, especially dicks 👀


You already know where my tastes lie, but I'm sure you'll get plenty of other kinks from others! :3


I'm a fan of most of the stuff you do but your bellys are my favorite. particularly the extra round ones


I know you love your nice plump boy vulvas! Anything aside from that?


Yes please😍 i love it


I'm a huge fan of macro stuff! But, I'd wager that's something you're not interested in.


Hi! New patron here! making my way through your art atm but would really love to see some thighhighs, pantyhose and such


Welcome! Very glad to have you. Thighhighs are super cute so you'll probably see some more show up very soon. 💜