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Just wanted to let you guys know my test results from last month came in, and everything is looking good! All of my imaging was negative, so I'm looking perfectly healthy on the inside. I still have progress to make on getting my hormone levels where they need to be, but that's just a matter of time.

I can't really put in words how much of a relief it was after all the uncertainty. This whole past year for me was consumed by dealing with this illness and adapting to the side effects of the treatment. Its been difficult, but as I wrote in my last rambling post a few months back, I know things will improve. Now I even have medical confirmation of it!

I know I'm always thanking you guys, but I really mean it when I say how much your support means to me. Undergoing treatment has been a wild ride, and it feels incredible to be on the other side of it all. Things might still be crazy at large, but I'm more thankful than ever to have my health, and know that you like my thick animal people drawings.




I never really heard what specifically was wrong, but I'm certainly happy for your clean bill of health!


That's okay! The original post should be on here back in early March I believe, with a copy of it over on my FA account. Long story short I've dealt with thyroid illness for years, and developed thyroid cancer last year. It's thankfully not a particularly dangerous form of cancer, but it's been a very stressful time nonetheless. Having confirmation from my doctor has been a huge weight off my shoulders.